Friday Feature: Handsome Oxford

One of the things I love about my school, FIDM in San Francisco, is the number of guest speakers that come to visit and talk about their business in the fashion, textile, and retail industries. A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet Matt and his brother Mark of Handsome Oxford in San Francisco. Not only did I learn that we have mutual ties with previous Friday Feature, Dante Wright, but I was truly inspired by the passion that birthed the year-old store that offers American-made, vintage men’s clothing. Just seeing the enthusiasm, love and passion for his store is so amazing to witness. That’s a real entrepreneur right there! I even learned that most of the store’s merchandise started from the owner’s personal collection! Pretty awesome.
Keep scrolling for shots of the Handsome Oxford store, the team, and the merch. And most definitely check out the exclusive interview with Handsome Oxford owner, Matt.

Describe your personal style. 
Frankly, I just wear a pair of Levi’s 501s, a plain tee and some beat sneakers most days. I’ve been keeping it really simple these past couple of years. I haven’t bought anything for myself!
How has style and fashion influenced your life?
I’ve always tried to read up on current fashion trends, designers, and etc. There are many brands I like; however, I never was too much of a consumer. I browse through blogs and magazines to see what I like and just store these images in my mind as inspirations. Now that I opened a shop, I recollect on these images and serve it as a platform on curating my store. Does that make sense?
All-time favorite brands?
The North Face.
Does your style translate into your merchandise in Handsome Oxford?
Yes. Everything I sell is something I’d personally wear. Everything I sell in the store is specifically handpicked by myself in hopes someone will love it as much as I do.
What inspired you to open Handsome Oxford?
I’ve always wanted to start my own business. I’ve always been inspired by entrepreneurship-turning your dreams into reality. You can see lots of broken dreams stored inside my mother’s garage, one endeavor to the next. I was saving money to either start a business or spend it all on traveling the world. But one random day, I was walking home and I stumbled upon an open commercial space. I applied for it, I got approved, I signed the lease, and boom!
American made and vintage men’s apparel is pretty unique. What’s the story?
Ever since High School I’ve been a huge pack rat. I collected all kinds of things new and vintage. I collected everything from street signs, restaurant menus, stickers, eyeglasses, shoes, clothes, etc. It wasn’t until I graduated that I realized most of these things I collected had a ton of value. In 2003, I remember selling 10 pairs of used Nikes on Ebay and made about $1400, then I took a trip to Hawaii.
It was about 3 years ago when I was digging through my collection that I noticed the majority of it was all American Vintage (Made in USA) clothing. I pitched the idea to my brother, Matt, about opening a vintage store, but our niche was strictly selling only American Made items. Thus, Handsome Oxford was born.
How has your first year in business been…any tips for aspiring entrepreneurs?
My first year has been truly unreal. It was an emotional rollercoaster (I never would have thought I’d become so emotional). There are even amounts of times where you find yourself at your highest and lowest points. However, you also achieve one of the greatest feelings ever…believing in and being proud of yourself!
I’ve met so many wonderful people from all parts of the world and have gained many of their friendships. From this, I learned to not only invest in yourself, but to invest in people. There are lots of beautiful people out there, and by having and knowing the right ones-this world immediately becomes your oyster.
It’s been a rough, yet rewarding year. There’s this anonymous quote I’ve been following:
“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”
Any style icons or all-time inspirations?
Hiroshi Fugiwara, Spike Lee, Hiroki Nakamura, Shawn Stussy, Woody Allen, Junya Watanabe
American Workwear, American Outdoors, Ivy Leagues
What are your dreams for Handsome Oxford in the next 5 years?
2 locations:
San Francisco, CA USA

Nagoya, Japan 2014


There you have it! Be sure to stop by Handsome Oxford for one-of-a-kind American vintage. Even though it’s a men’s store, I’m gonna make something work! Be sure to follow Handsome Oxford on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook

Happy Friday, y’all!

Photos courtesy of Handsome Oxford. 

Look of the Day: Graphic Tee + Leopard Loafers

On this rainy day, this wasn’t the smartest outfit to put together. Unfortunately, it started to drizzle as soon as the bf and I closed the front door as we were heading out to Target and house hunt in the East Bay. Dodging puddles of water in loafers is not the business. Oh well! At least I was comfy (insert shoulder shrug here).

Vintage leather jacket from Dad– butter soft! Plus my fave graphic tee of the legendary, Bob Marley.

A sale steal I snagged from Macy’s for $30. Can you believe these calf hair loafers are Aerosoles? So damn comfortable!

Slicked high bun is my number one go-to look for lazy days.

Vintage Steal from Dad’s Closet: Army Utility Jacket

I haven’t won the lottery yet, but I sure did hit the jackpot in my dad’s closet. So far, I’ve picked up three amazing jackets dating back to the 70s and 80s. One of them is this awesome army green utility jacket. It’s super roomy, lightweight and has lots of pockets. Gotta love that super soft, worn-in feel too. The funny part about my stealing borrowing from my dad is that he completely forgot that jacket was still in his closet– let alone that it was even his! 
So here I am in dad’s (now mine) jacket, chevron print scarf, leggings, tall boots and graphic tank:

Friday Feature: Stylist + Blogger, Kim Christophersen

When it comes to style, one of the most important factors is to stay true to yourself. Dress for yourself, people! Not for anyone else. That’s why I’m such a fan of stylist and Sequins + Studs blogger, Kim Christophersen. Representing my hometown, Sacramento, Kim has such a unique and personal style. She is unafraid to try new trends, colors and prints and is always amazingly put together from head-to-toe. From rocking violet peek-a-boo streaks to mixing leopard and polka dot, I love whatever she puts together and am honored to have her as one of my Friday Features!
So scroll on down and peep photos of the lovely Kim and exclusive interview with Pumps and Lipstick:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion begin?

Kim: My love for fashion started at an early age. Even though I attended private school from Kindergarten to eighth grade where strict uniforms were required, I always tried to make it my own through shoes or hair accessories.

Xiomara: Describe your style in 3 words.

Kim: Ever-changing. Fun. Spirited.

Xiomara: Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons?

Kim: Edie Sedgwick, Brigitte Bardot and Nicole Richie.

Xiomara: Top do’s and dont’s that you’ll never ever break?

Kim: DO always dress for yourself. I love following trends and what’s ‘in’ at the time, but the important thing for me is to wear what makes me happy. DON’T be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Push the envelope every once in awhile and you’ll be surprised at what creative looks you can pull off!

Xiomara: What inspires you to write when blogging?

Kim: I started blogging because I am constantly inspired by everything around me and I needed one place to compile all of the creative energy and ideas that had been building up. I’d say a majority of my inspiration comes from the people, places and events in my life. Music is also a big inspiration for me and if you look closely, you’ll notice that a lot of my blog titles are song lyrics. Any time I’m drawing a blank or feeling uninspired, I turn to platforms such as Tumblr, Pinterest and We Heart It to find instant inspiration.

Xiomara: What are your biggest pet peeves in style that makes you want to walk up to a stranger and fix?

Kim: My biggest pet peeve is when people wear clothes that don’t compliment their body or fit them right. I’m a firm believer that anyone, no matter what their shape or size, can pull off any trend or look they want – the key is remembering to dress for your body.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Kim: My favorite prints right now are chevron, floral and polka dots. As for colors, I’m loving burgundy, deep wine and burnt orange. I’m also obsessed with all things emerald and deep turquoise.

Xiomara: Throughout the years, how has your personal style changed?

Kim: Oh, wow. I don’t think I can give a simple answer for this. What I have noticed though is that as I’ve grown up and become more comfortable in my own skin, I have also become more confident in what I wear. When I was younger, I would dress according to what the ‘cool’ style was at the time or what my friends were wearing. Now, I dress solely for myself.

Xiomara: As a stylist and blogger for Krazy Mary’s boutique, what’s your day like?

Kim: No two days are the same, which is great for me! As a stylist, I’m either pulling looks for our blog, private events, fashion shows or photo shoots and as a blogger, I’m researching fashion forecasts, trend reports and working on building our audience through our site ( Mary Kawano (owner) is such an amazing woman and inspiration to me. She’s been a wonderful teacher and I feel blessed to be able to learn and grow every day.

Xiomara: In your career in fashion, blogging and PR, where do you see yourself in the future?

Kim: I always struggle when I’m asked this, as it’s hard for me to imagine placing myself into one box. My love is in fashion writing and styling, so I’d say something involving both of those.


For more on the lovely Kim Christophersen, visit and subscribe to her fabulous blog, Sequins + Studs, and stalk her on Instagram, TumblrPinterest, and Twitter. And by the way, send her some birthday wishes. It’s her birthday today 😉

All photos are property of Kim Christophersen.