Friday Feature: Stylist + Blogger, Raphael Sarmiento

I appreciate unique, personal style. Replication just can’t be done so easily when a person puts so much thought and effort into creating a specific tone and statement in mixing eras, putting together prints and hues and finalizing the finishing touches. When I met Raphael Sarmiento, aka Rap, that’s one of the first things I noticed about him– his awesome, unique style that is completely unpredictable and it works every damn time. Every week that I see him, I yell, “Yesssss!” Clearly, I just can’t get enough. As we got to know one another, it made perfect sense that he was a stylist. So you know what that meant– I had to pick his brain on his thoughts about fashion and style.
Check out an exclusive interview below:

Xiomara: What inspires your style?

Raphael: California. California style is laid back and simple. I think California has a kind of effortless glamour. I like to build looks around ‘California characters’ like Hollywood star, Dolores Park hipster, surfer dude, etc. I also feel an obligation to live up to my nickname, Rap Star, so I can get a little gaudy because you know… Rap is offensive.

Xiomara: Recent/most notable styling work you’ve done?
Raphael: A photo I styled got published in Vanity Fair! I was on set at another photo shoot I was styling back in May when I found out the news. It was a photo shoot I styled last summer and I had no idea that the photographer was going to submit it. Even though the photo in the magazine occupies a little corner, it was a crazy feeling to run my fingers over my work on a glossy page.
Xiomara: Describe your style?
Raphael: My style is eclectic, but well assembled. I like taking different genres of styles and mixing them together. I love to dress for occasion and play somewhat with themes but making sure that I don’t make it too literal so that it’s costume-y.
Xiomara: Favorite fashion/style icons?
Raphael: Pharrell, Andre 3000, Willy Cartier, Tony Montana aka Scarface, Cassie, Rihanna, Prince and Jean Michel Basquiat.
Xiomara: What inspired you to start styling and blogging?
Raphael: I’ve kept a personal blog since high school but it wasn’t until about a couple years ago that I decided to create a style blog. I started posting my OOTD’s on Instagram on International Suit Up Day 2011 and it’s grown since then. I began styling back in college when my friend asked me to put together outfits for her performances and since then have just taken on styling gigs when the opportunity comes. It feels a little arrogant to say this, but I’ve always had a way with clothes so it’s something that came natural.
Xiomara: What are some of your favorite go-to looks?
Raphael: I love stunting in some all black everything! But to break it up and keep it interesting, I add subtle details with pops of color, prints, and patterns. On lazy days nothing is better than a clean white tee, ripped up jeans, a snapback, and Timbs or Jordans.
Xiomara: Fave color? Fave print?
Raphael: Red is my favorite color. It’s always striking and with so many shades, it’s the easiest way to add a pop of color to any look. For prints, or patterns rather, I would have to go with snakeskin because it’s both luxe and edgy.
Make sure to follow my stylist bud, Rap, on Twitter and Instagram and check out his blog, The Rap Star Life !
Have a great Friday!

Friday Feature: Video Blogger + Fashionista, Ashton Whittington

My mom always taught me to look my best at all times, but sometimes I just don’t give a sh*t. I truly admire those who are always on-point at all times. Hair, makeup, nails, and outfit– all cohesive and put together even at six o’clock in the morning! This week’s Friday Feature motivates me in so many ways in presenting my best self. Video blogging sensation, Ashton Whittington, puts everyone’s style game to shame! With thousands of subscribers to her YouTube channel, Ashton’s Closet, she has attended fashion schools such as FIDM in San Francisco and sure knows a thing or two when it comes to fashion and beauty.

Scroll down for style shots, video and an exclusive Friday Feature interview with Pumps and Lipstick on my fashionista friend and enchanting beauty, Ashton Whittington:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion begin?

Ashton: I honestly believe I was born with my passion for fashion. I could remember when I was 2 or 3 years old begging my mom for the Punky Brewster shoes with the curly shoe strings. At 3, I would pick out my clothes and lay them out every night before I went to bed. It was like a new fashion show for me everyday at pre-school. It wasn’t a game for me, I took it extremely serious. I was a really good girl. The only time I ever got out of line or was ever demanding was when it had to do with shoes or clothes that I had to have.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Ashton: Leopard will always be one of my favorite prints…I’m so picky when it comes to the color, tone and texture of it though. It has to have all the right variables for me wear it, or decorate with it. My favorite colors are black, white, gold and silver. If I had to chose one, hands down… black. I wear black everyday, it’s my go to color. Its classic, mysterious, and can be intimidating when worn all together. So when anyone is confused on what to wear, my advice is to try all black…You can never wrong.

Xiomara: Describe your style. Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons?

Ashton: I would say my style is very edgy. It’s very glamor chic meets urban-boho chic. It’s kind of over the top, yet tasteful. My fashion icons currently are Mary-Kate Olsen and Rachel Zoe. I remember always admiring Mary-Kate’s style. We are both the same age, and I just remember when we were 18 in 2005 how mature she dressed then. She’s always had this throw it on old grunge glamor look that I love. She still wears a bunch of things that I wouldn’t wear necessarily together but I appreciate her style overall and love her look.

Xiomara: Top style do’s and dont’s that you’ll never ever break?

Ashton: That’s a good question… Everything changes. I can’t say that I’d ever keep the same rule throughout my life. Style knows no limits.

Xiomara: What inspired you to start vlogging?

Ashton: A friend of mine always told me that I should vlogg. At the time I knew nothing about it, so I always declined. It wasn’t until I moved to NY that I sat in my room and started trying on outfits for the camera. I was a personal shopper at the time so I was constantly searching for clothes. I didn’t realize how much I actually enjoyed talking bout fashion. I usually talk to my girlfriends or my clients, and trust me I can talk their ears off! But never did I just talk to myself, the camera. It was a new way for me to vent, to get all my words and feelings out, I LOVED it! It wasn’t until I started vlogging that I really narrowed down my lane and my place in the fashion world.

Xiomara: How does the video creation process work?

Ashton: Depending on the type of video I’m filming, they vary in which each have different steps. In a nutshell…I film the footage, import it to my computer, edit it and then upload it. This can and does take several hours. The hardest part is the editing, it literally kicks my butt every time! Sometimes I wish I wasn’t such a stickler when it comes editing, I just know what I like and hate what I don’t.

Xiomara: What are some of your top beauty products and regimens?

Ashton: My top beauty products I would hate to live without 1. concealer 2. natural lip liner 3. bronzer. A daily regimen? Using witch hazel daily! It’s the best natural astringent anyone could ever use. I apply it with a cotton ball after I wash my face and it still manages to pick up anything left over on my face. It’s good for healing bug bites and blemishes as well. If you haven’t tried it, you should! It’s like $2 at any drugstore or Walmart.

Xiomara: Throughout the years, how has your personal style changed?

Ashton: I would say about 4-5 years ago my style was very, very sexy. That’s what was in at the time. I’m talking 2006 – 2008ish… Dresses were short and extremely tight, neck lines were plunged, colors were loud and over the top. I feel like my style has not only toned down, but has also become more refined. My style has not dramatically changed, it’s just that I dress a tad more mature. I now wear my clothes, my clothes don’t wear me. Thank God!

Xiomara: As an online video sensation, what are some of your goals and aspirations for Ashton’s Closet?
Ashton: I plan to continue to do what I love, while one day soon hopefully inspiring hundreds of thousands of people to also express themselves. I know this is what I was put here to do, and I will continue to strive until I am at that point or beyond.
Xiomara: Favorite quote you live by?

Ashton: “Everything happens for a reason.” This quote helps me with situations daily! I can easily get caught up on “coulda, shoulda, woulda’s” … I often have to say this quote out loud for me to be able to swallow a situation for what it is, stop the dwelling, and move on. I genuinely believe everything happens for a reason.


That wraps up this week’s Friday Feature. Stay tuned for more. Subscribe to Ashton’s Closet and stalk her on Instagram!

Style Profile Video: Dante Wright of The Bellwether Project

The first male Friday Feature on Pumps and Lipstick, my boyfriend’s trouble-making (<– not really) best friend and Chief Styling Officer of The Bellwether Project, Dante Wright, is making moves and putting San Francisco on the map.

Check out an amazing video directed by Whitney Dinneweth featuring Mr. Wright and get his perspective on fashion, style and his inspirations:

Keep your eyes peeled for the Bellwether duo with a special project coming out soon…

Friday Feature: Stylist + Blogger, Kim Christophersen

When it comes to style, one of the most important factors is to stay true to yourself. Dress for yourself, people! Not for anyone else. That’s why I’m such a fan of stylist and Sequins + Studs blogger, Kim Christophersen. Representing my hometown, Sacramento, Kim has such a unique and personal style. She is unafraid to try new trends, colors and prints and is always amazingly put together from head-to-toe. From rocking violet peek-a-boo streaks to mixing leopard and polka dot, I love whatever she puts together and am honored to have her as one of my Friday Features!
So scroll on down and peep photos of the lovely Kim and exclusive interview with Pumps and Lipstick:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion begin?

Kim: My love for fashion started at an early age. Even though I attended private school from Kindergarten to eighth grade where strict uniforms were required, I always tried to make it my own through shoes or hair accessories.

Xiomara: Describe your style in 3 words.

Kim: Ever-changing. Fun. Spirited.

Xiomara: Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons?

Kim: Edie Sedgwick, Brigitte Bardot and Nicole Richie.

Xiomara: Top do’s and dont’s that you’ll never ever break?

Kim: DO always dress for yourself. I love following trends and what’s ‘in’ at the time, but the important thing for me is to wear what makes me happy. DON’T be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Push the envelope every once in awhile and you’ll be surprised at what creative looks you can pull off!

Xiomara: What inspires you to write when blogging?

Kim: I started blogging because I am constantly inspired by everything around me and I needed one place to compile all of the creative energy and ideas that had been building up. I’d say a majority of my inspiration comes from the people, places and events in my life. Music is also a big inspiration for me and if you look closely, you’ll notice that a lot of my blog titles are song lyrics. Any time I’m drawing a blank or feeling uninspired, I turn to platforms such as Tumblr, Pinterest and We Heart It to find instant inspiration.

Xiomara: What are your biggest pet peeves in style that makes you want to walk up to a stranger and fix?

Kim: My biggest pet peeve is when people wear clothes that don’t compliment their body or fit them right. I’m a firm believer that anyone, no matter what their shape or size, can pull off any trend or look they want – the key is remembering to dress for your body.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Kim: My favorite prints right now are chevron, floral and polka dots. As for colors, I’m loving burgundy, deep wine and burnt orange. I’m also obsessed with all things emerald and deep turquoise.

Xiomara: Throughout the years, how has your personal style changed?

Kim: Oh, wow. I don’t think I can give a simple answer for this. What I have noticed though is that as I’ve grown up and become more comfortable in my own skin, I have also become more confident in what I wear. When I was younger, I would dress according to what the ‘cool’ style was at the time or what my friends were wearing. Now, I dress solely for myself.

Xiomara: As a stylist and blogger for Krazy Mary’s boutique, what’s your day like?

Kim: No two days are the same, which is great for me! As a stylist, I’m either pulling looks for our blog, private events, fashion shows or photo shoots and as a blogger, I’m researching fashion forecasts, trend reports and working on building our audience through our site ( Mary Kawano (owner) is such an amazing woman and inspiration to me. She’s been a wonderful teacher and I feel blessed to be able to learn and grow every day.

Xiomara: In your career in fashion, blogging and PR, where do you see yourself in the future?

Kim: I always struggle when I’m asked this, as it’s hard for me to imagine placing myself into one box. My love is in fashion writing and styling, so I’d say something involving both of those.


For more on the lovely Kim Christophersen, visit and subscribe to her fabulous blog, Sequins + Studs, and stalk her on Instagram, TumblrPinterest, and Twitter. And by the way, send her some birthday wishes. It’s her birthday today 😉

All photos are property of Kim Christophersen.

Friday Feature: Dante Wright / The Bellwether Project

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting up-and-coming fashion stylist, Dante Wright, 9 years ago when I was 16 years old. My boyfriend, Jovan Simien, and Dante have been best friends for the longest. And since the early years of driving around in his red Mitsubishi Eclipse in Elk Grove, California and shooting hoops in front of my mom’s house, Dante has always had one thing– style. And he’ll tell you himself that he’ll “always be the best dressed person in the room.” So over the years, I’ve witnessed his style’s transformation from Jordans, jerseys, graphic tees, and skateboards to blazers, fedoras, and wingtips. What’s even more exciting is the beginning of his rapid career in styling and the birth of The Bellwether Project.
Check out my exclusive interview and shots with Dante Wright and his take on fashion, style, and The Bellwether Project below:

I had to sneak in a BFF photo: My boyfriend, Jovan Simien (left) and Dante Wright (right).

Xiomara: What does style mean to you?

Dante: Style to me is an expression of character through attire, movements, and mannerisms.

Xiomara: Who and what inspires your style?

Dante: What inspires my style is city lifestyle and music. Who inspires me would be elders and people like Nick Wooster and Piggy Motufumi.

Xiomara: How do you stay up-to-date and ahead on current trends in fashion?

Dante: I honestly don’t stay up-to-date on current trend because I try and avoid being trendy. Instead, I pride myself and my style as being timeless. I always buy for longevity. Meaning, classic prints and items such as wingtips, cable wire material and prints like houndstooth or herringbone. These are things that aren’t classified as trendy, but rather classic.

Xiomara: How did you meet your business partner and why did you two start The Bellwether Project?

Dante: I met my business partner at a SFNY yacht party event. He was taking pictures at the time and asked to take mine and we had a brief discussion about style.  We exchanged info and one year later, The Bellwether Project started. The reasoning behind us starting Bellwether was to document our own personal style and become an outlet for men who needed inspiration and advice on advancing there style.

Xiomara: What was your first major project/event The Bellwether Project styled?

Dante: Dario had styled events on his own prior to this event, but our first one together was The Dapper Hood event for SFFW at Rogue.

Xiomara: 10 years from now, what does the future hold for The Bellwether Project?

Dante: 10 years down the line remains a mystery for us. We aware moving at a rapid pace and never expected to be where we are now this quickly. The 2 things that are sure is office space and a major collab with a high end brand.

Xiomara: Throughout the years, how has your style evolved into what it is now?

Dante: My style has evolved to what it is now through going through certain phases in my life and then taking all of them and creating the style I have today. Skateboarding, working at Macy’s, and my job at the bank all have played a major part in the evolution of my style.

Xiomara: What are your top three style rules you live by and would by no means break?

Dante: 1. Undershirts under button downs (v-necks only) 2. Untucked shirt and tie 3. Clip on bow ties.

Xiomara: Favorite designers?

Dante: Thom Browne, Tom Ford, and Junya Watanabe.

Xiomara: Any last thoughts, tips, or quotes for the readers?

Dante: Your style is your first impression, don’t forget you only get one.


Be sure to check out stylist, Dante Wright, and The Bellwether Project! Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: thebellwetherproject .

Stay tuned for more features!

All photos are original. All rights reserved.

Stylist Finder

I’ve only had one hair stylist my entire life. Growing up, it was easy for me to schedule an appointment with her since we lived in the same city. Now that I’m all grown up and out of my parent’s nest and an hour and a half away, I have to schedule a weekend trip just to get my hair done. Trust me ladies, she’s THAT good! Once you find a person that you trust completely with your hair, you don’t want to lose them. So as I’m rearranging my life around my hair appointments, I think, “What will I do if I move to another STATE?”

After some Google time, I came across StyleSeat. On this site, you can find stylists, book appointments, grab local deals and browse though inspirational looks. Not only is the site a great resource for hair stylists, but for massage therapists and personal trainers too. Go wellness!
Check out the brand spankin’ new site and let me know what you think!