Pretty Spring Things

As the temperature is slowly creeping up, I’m slowly transitioning my heavier and dark clothes into the back of the closet and bringing out my fun brights and lightweight pieces. As I like all of my clothes (or else I wouldn’t have bought the damn things), some pieces I’m just plain tired of. I guess it’s probably my own fault for posting a bajillion photos online and seeing the same strapless sundress in both of my vacation Facebook albums, not to mention loads of pics on Instagram in a variety of filters. Am I double-wearing out my clothes by seeing them over and over via social media? Probably. How do I fix that? With accessories, jewelry, shoes and purses. By simply pairing new pumps and a different skinny belt, you can create an entirely new look. How about adding some texture with a fun raffia fedora hat and colorful raffia fringe sandals? The more you mix different accessories, shoes, and jewelry, the more looks you can achieve and keep from getting bored of the dress, blouse, or denim you once loved and adored.

Check out the darling spring pieces I selected that inspired me to jazz up a few numbers in my closet. For the specs on each piece, click here.

Ready for Spring

I’m done. I’m ready. Let it be Spring! Bring me sunny skies, green leaves, blooming flowers, and 75 degree weather full of sunshine. Maybe it’s all the hard work I’ve been putting in at the gym or the miles I’ve ran in my Nikes, but I’m feeling real good about myself and ready to go sleeveless in a sundress and my toes are aching for sunlight in peep toe wedges. Heck, let’s bring the bronzer out from hiding too! Along with bright colors, crazy prints, and everything metallic, anything bright and shiny is sure to inspire a gal to yearn for Spring.

How about you? Are you ready for Spring too?

For the details on items in the collage, click here.

All About Studs

Studs, studs, studs and more studs! If you haven’t seen one stud on any shoe, handbag, denim, accessory, or jacket…where the hell have you been?!

Sometimes, there have been days where an outfit may seem…well, blah. An alternative to jazz up any look and add a little to a lot of edge, is with anything studded. Restrain yourself to only 1-2 pieces– don’t go overboard!

Get some inspiration from the accessories and styles below:



Joe Fresh
Tory Burch

Vince Camuto

Steve Madden

Christian Louboutin


Rebecca Minkoff

Loving studs too? Which one is your fave? Let me know in the comments!

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