Monday Motivation: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

With a lot of things on my plate this coming year, my to-do list is growing and growing by the minute. But that’s totally OK. I’m down with rolling up my sleeves and getting to knee-deep in work because staying busy keeps pushing forward. This also means I’ve got to stay focused and upbeat. No room in my head nor time for worrying about what-if situations that aren’t in my favor. Why worry about something that hasn’t even happend yet? Ever heard the quote, “Thoughts become things.” (Bob Proctor) Or how about this one, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” (Albert Einstein) Scary to think worries actually help create what may become reality. Good thing motivational sites like The Daily Motivator by Ralph Marston help me keep things in perspective. I’m loving this piece he wrote: ‘Don’t Worry’.

Happy Monday y’all!