Weekend Adventures with Daddy

If you search for ‘Daddy’s Girl’ in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of me. With that being said, daddy loves to take a drive down to the Bay Area for the day to visit me, my bf, my favorite feline, Missy and hang out. Over the weekend we experienced gorgeous, sunny and crisp weather, which inspired us to head to over the Bay Bridge into San Francisco and park at Ocean Beach.

Super casual look of the day.

Pops. He’s pretty smooth, right?

Sun shining bright at the Beach Chalet.

Our lunch view of Ocean Beach.

Daddy’s ‘too cool’ look.
About to enter the cave at the Sutro Bath Ruins.

Light at the end of the tunnel.

Vacay Looks in the Big Easy

It’s my first time in New Orleans and I love it already! Southern hospitality, humidity, lively music and loads of history keep me wandering through the French Quarter, trotting by Brad and Angelina’s via mule buggy, and stuffing sugar-powdered beignets down my throat.

Take a peek at my first couple of days down in NOLA: