A Gift From the Gods: Nail Strips

Thank the heavens for nail strips! When I don’t have time to head to the nail shop, I just simply paint them myself at home. Most of the time, some sort of mishap occurs— smudging, fingerprints…just a mess! So, when Sally Hansen came out with nail strips a while ago, I had to try them out.

This isn’t my first time blogging about my success with nail strips. Yesterday was the third time I applied these doodads and was just as successful as the first– even better! Of course, it was a lot faster applying because it wasn’t my first nail strip rodeo.

Check out my current fingertips:

Walgreens had a sale for $6.99 each (usually around $10)! So it was a sign for me to get two!
Opted for the lace print.

I’m just a Giddy Gabby with my at-home, lace print mani! I’m even more happy knowing that they won’t chip the next day (advertised to last 10 days) like the average mani with regular polish plus tons of top coat. 
Stay tuned for the next go-around with the gold glitter strips!
All photos are Pumps and Lipstick original. All rights reserved.

Another Ombre Trend

As if the list of ombre trends couldn’t get any longer! Getting bored with the same ol’ nail color? If you’re not the wild color-design-minx type of girl, opt for an ombre manicure! Simply select 3 to 5 different shades of your favorite color that transition from light to dark. Then paint your little heart away!

Loving the ombre manicure? What colors will you pick? Let me know in the comment box!