Mid-week Motivation: Stop Comparing Yourself

Yes, I hate it when I do it that to myself. It’s so annoying, utterly counter productive and just really makes me feel poorly about myself. As I change gears and position my focus elsewhere from my sad and pitiful feelings, I came across an awesome blog post on one of my favorite sites, Pick The Brain. I’m really digging this particular point it makes:

“1) Your own situation at hand
Are you constantly wondering, “Dang, I wish I was at the bar now” or “I sure wish I was watching the game now”?
Wish all you like, but what you’re actually doing is comparing your situation at hand with an unreachable state.
Continue with this comparison, and you’re just going to increase your boredom or even make you dread what you’re doing.
It simply cannot be helped if you stuck at work or well, just doing something else!
Think about it: If you’re washing the dishes, you’d definitely, without a doubt want to be somewhere else (unless you really love washing dishes).
Is there a point thinking about it? Not really.
Be present at your moment instead. Quiet your mind. Eliminate distractions. Get the work done and be on your way!”
For the full read, click here. Enjoy!

Mid-week Motivation: The Last Push

Oh, man! If I’m not feeling the pressure of the last two weeks of this quarter in my grad program! So much so that I can feel the pressure press upon my chest, the anxiety run through my mind as I try to grab at least 5 hours of sleep and scribble down items to-do on my never-ending list that has a tight deadline of September 19th (or else I’m screwed!). 

As I’m wishing for more hours in the day and kicking myself for procrastinating until the last hour, I must remind myself to keep pushing. I have to set it in my mind that I cannot fail and look for daily, hourly moments of motivation to keep swimming upstream. Whether I’m counting down the days dreaming of my upcoming 10-day trip to Puerto Rico on the 20th, finding moments of celebration by grabbing a drink for happy hour with classmates after finishing a project, I find moments of relief and even a boost of energy to get my shit done! 
So whatever it is that you need to finish, find motivation (it’s around somewhere!) and quick moments of celebration to keep yourself going— and then get back to work til it’s done! You know what to do after 😉
Have a great week!

Monday Motivation: Getting Back On Track

I love my friends. They know how to keep me on track. So, when I get texts and emails saying, “Where the hell are my Pumps and Lipstick posts?”, I get the picture– crystal clear. I can blame not having enough time during grueling and demanding, yet eye-opening grad school sessions at FIDM or training for a half-marathon or traveling here and there to be my reasons for not blogging as frequently, but I’m not. It’s clearly poor time management on my part. And this can relate to many other practices and goals as well such as working out, spending more time with friends and family, reading more books, studying for the GRE, GMAT, EMT or any other lengthy tests out there in the world with long-ass acronyms. Instead of procrastinating and lying to myself by saying, “I’ll do it later”, I say, “No, bitch. Get it done now and figure out a plan to get it done more efficiently in the future.” Be firm with yourself because you’re the only person who can control your life and what you want to do with it. If you aren’t, who will? Once you start doing what you’re supposed to be doing, you’ll be done and feel great about yourself for accomplishing it and crossing it off your ‘To-Do’ list– just like how I feel right now 🙂

Happy Monday!

I thought this was so appropriate for this post and all my blogger friends.

Images via heartifb.com, vintagelawrence.com and justjule.blogspot.com

Monday Motivation: Surrounding Yourself with Inspiration

Over a year ago, I partnered with a new company and started my own business from home. It was extremely exciting in the beginning— as most things are— and as soon as the gates opened, I ran, ran, ran! I experienced many successes in my business. Although, with success, there are guaranteed obstacles that every person is will face. This can easily discourage a person from pursuing their goals because “it’s too hard” or they get “tired” of the work. I know because I said and felt the same exact feelings of disappointment, low confidence, bla bla bla. Working from home, by myself, I needed inspiration to keep me going, to turn that frown upside down, and remind myself of my goals and why I pursued the business in the first place. So what did I do? Hung up inspirational quotes on every wall of my home so, that I could look anywhere and find uplifting motivation to press on. I also posted photos of vacation spots, cars, homes, and checks that I wanted to receive. Til this day, they’re still posted on my walls— some have switched out because I had already received them!

I encourage you to do the same! Here are some inspirational quotes to give you an idea of what to hang around your home or office:

Happy Monday!

Monday Motivation: Live In The Moment

Here are some quotes from some of the greats to help us stay present, in the moment, and enjoy life at this very second:

“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.” 
― Maya Angelou

“Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.” 
― Walt Whitman

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

Monday Motivation: Laugh More

It’s Monday people– the beginning of a new week and full of opportunities and adventures! None of that blue, depressing humdrum sayings like, “Boo it’s Monday. I hate Mondays. Bring the weekend back. Is it Friday yet?”

Let’s start this week with some laughter! Some sort of giggling, chuckles, and roars of belly-hugging laughs are in order to put you in the best mood. Studies show that laughing chemically makes you happy. So why not start your week off with some? For me personally, I love watching funny videos. Yup, like America’s Funniest Home Videos type of thing. They get me every time.

Click play on the video below to start some sort of laughter. Maybe turn that frown upside down?

Hope you enjoy!

Monday Motivation: Live in the Present Moment

One of the many quotes I have posted around my home is, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” (Buddah) I mounted this quote in particular because, like many, I tend to dwell in the past and worry about my future. Sometimes my mind gets filled with phrases like ‘what if this happens’, ‘I should have done that’ and ‘I wish blank happened’. Feelings of anxiety, doubt and sadness shortly follow these negative thoughts. This is why I have that quote posted: to remember to be grateful for what I have at this present moment, to acknowledge that the past is done and over with and to be excited for the blessings that the future holds. By redirecting my thoughts, I put my mind at ease and recognize all the blessings in my life. For more helpful tips, check out a great site I stumbled upon here.

Happy Monday!

Monday Motivation: Karma

I’m a firm believer in Karma. I believe that what you put out in the world, whether positive or negative, you will receive the exact type of energy you exerted. The concept brings you back to science class, huh? If so, a lightbulb should have turned on for you.

Once I started to apply this concept, I began to put out more good— generosity, smiles, compliments, a helping hand…all of it. Afterwards, I started to receive a lot of gifts! Most were not wrapped with a bow on top, but in small ways that added to a huge sum— kind cards, free tickets, gift cards, free parking, a raise, $20 bill on the street with noone around, help from a stranger and many more.

When I let my anger take over and put out negativity…sh*t started getting real. Parking tickets, fees on fees on fees, arguments with loved ones, unnecessary drama, and more.

No need to pull a Blair Waldorf and engulf yourself in a sea of scheming to get revenge on the world. Karma will return whatever was put out in the universe. I guarantee it! So keep looking fabulous, honey and keep it pushin’!

Monday Motivation: Keep Yourself Going Forward

Keep it going!

In the beginning of setting a personal goal, I’m always super psyched outta-my mind and ready to take on the world [insert Rocky theme song here]. Whether its training for a half-marathon, eating extra healthy, or heck, even cutting down the number of reality shows I watch, I feel like the world is on my side, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and I’m more than excited to start said goal.

And then two weeks pass and I start to get tired. The flame has died down. I’d rather stay in bed. ‘Getting over the hump’ is what I call it.

It’s not as hard as we think it is to keep the wheels on moving– just a little procrastination mixed with laziness topped with a dollop of lack of encouragement. I find it easy to use tools to push through the ‘motivation mud’ and get back on track. Training your mind to keep the train moving by yourself is possible, but easier with something or someone to help you. One of the tools/tricks I use is reading motivating articles online. This time around I ended up at PicktheBrain.com. Take a peek at this straightforward article to get over the hump: How To Motivate Yourself. Hope you enjoy!

Have a wonderful Monday!

Photo via arcticcompass.blogspot.com