Friday Feature: Blogger + Actress, Javicia Leslie

Have you ever met someone that you just automatically clicked with (not romantically)? Pretty rare, right? Well that’s how it was when I met blogger and actress, Javicia Leslie. We were both bridesmaids for our dear friend and previous Friday Feature, Felicia Gangloff-Bailey, so it’s pretty safe to say that we would get along very well. What I admired about her most was her impeccable personal style. Unafraid to try new styles and play with eras and prints, the lovely blogger and actress is what I call a true style chameleon.
Click below for an exclusive Friday Feature interview and for more fabulous style shots of Javicia:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion and style begin?

Javicia: Fashion has always been an interest of mine. However, during my college years began my real passion for fashion. I really began to express who I was with my style.

Xiomara: How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start?

Javicia: I’ve been blogging for two years. My official blog ( is exactly 1 year old! During college I started to read blogs frequently, but it was rare to find a black female fashion blogger. Although there are some great black fashion blogs, I knew it was void that I could definitely fill. Blogging allows me to express my self to the world through fashion, photography, and the beauty of natural settings. Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve expanded and diversified my style! Blogging has also allowed me to see how I present myself to the world.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Javicia: There isn’t a color I stray from. I love bright and bold colors that make statements. As for prints, I really love stripes and polka dots. They are classic prints that you can really have a ball playing with! 

Xiomara: Describe your style. 

Javicia: I don’t believe you should have one style, my style varies! It’s funny, you can look at my blog and really see how much my style has changed over the past year. Currently, I’m really feeling the hippy vibe (It may just be my current obsession with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, lol). I love long flowy bottoms and loose crochet tops, then changing into some baggy jeans and timberlands.

Xiomara: Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons? 


  • Olsen Twins – I absolutely love their hippy style!!!! They make a statement every time they step out. 
  • Karla Deras – Although she’s no mega star, her style is impeccable!!!! 
  • Rihanna – Do I really need to explain why?!
XiomaraWhat are some of your top beauty products and regimens?

Javicia: There are a few products I live by. To start, the only face wash that touches my face is Cetaphil. This product is 100% dermatologist recommended. I love that there aren’t any fragrances, it’s made for sensitive skin, and doesn’t dry out my face. Lastly, I would die without my crest white strips! Using these 2 to 3 times per year will keep those money makers pearly! As for a regiment, the most important step is to remember to wash you face before you go to sleep. You don’t want to build up oil and dirt on your face while your sleeping.

Xiomara: As an actress, what are some of your goals and aspirations for in 10 years?

Javicia: My goal as an actress is to impact people by using my talent. I want the roles I choose to tell stories of strength and determination. In ten years I see myself developing my own tv series or film, I definitely won’t be limited to one side of the industry.

Xiomara: Favorite quote you live by?

Javicia: “Wisdom is the principle thing; therefor get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding”  Proverbs 4


There you have it! For more on the fashionista, check out her fabulous blog here.

Photos courtesy of Javicia Leslie.