Monday Motivation: Remember to Laugh

As an avid prankster, April Fools Day is one of my favorite days of the year. Most people don’t think much of it and barely remember the day exists– and this, my friends, is how the best reactions come to life.

What I like most about this random day, is that it reminds us to laugh. I’m all about creating fun and happy memories and love reminiscing about ‘that one time’ when I got tricked into sitting on a whoopee cushion or when my classmates pranked our teacher in drinking salty water. Memories last forever and laughing just simply makes me feel high on happiness and in a better state.

I also like April Fools Day because it taught me not to take things so damn seriously. I used to get sooo mad when the joke was on me, but after the initial shock and slight embarrassment, I learned to just laugh at myself and the situation. If I let my ego and pride win and ruin the moment, there’d be no fun in it. Plus, why waste so much energy getting your panties all up in a bunch? So not worth it.

So, let’s keep the laughs going! I loved this post from the New York Times on some of today’s April Fools jokes from top companies all over the world.

Check out this funny prank compilation video I found thanks to YouTube:

Happy Monday!