Flop Top Galore

Who said you can’t wear a floppy hat in fall? Reminiscent of their summer, straw cousin, these wool floppy babies add the perfect mix of drama and sophistication. I still cain’t wait for it to be cold enough to pair with a long coat, tall boots with a chunky heel and dainty hoop earrings. Bad hair day or not, 

Check out some looks below…

Flop Top Galore

Beach Bummin’

As I’m entering the middle of this hectic first quarter of my grad program, I can barely find the time to blog. Sorry, folks! Within the past 36 hours I’ve had 4 midterms and a huge presentation. Can you say ‘no life’? I’m happy to say I currently have a little bit of breathing room so, where’s my first escape to relax? My blog.

Today’s Polyvore inspiration is 100% influenced by my mood. All I want to do right now is teleport myself to a tropical beach with white, soft sand and clear water, lay down on a comfy lounge chair that’s strategically placed underneath an umbrella, magazine in hand, with a bucket-o-brews by my side. No cell phone, no laptop, not a damn thing.

The next thing I consider as I’m daydreaming about relaxing at the beach, is what am I gonna wear? As I hate tan lines, strapless is my go-to. I’m crazy for color and prints and new styles away from the typical string bikini and opt for a synched bottom with a v-cut on top. After splashing in the water, my hair goes absolutely cray-cray– a hat is a necessitiy so, why not add a little bit of drama with this floppy brim. As you see, with the bucket-o-brews, my tummy won’t be so flat so, that’s where I cue in this fab fringed and laced sarong.

As I type away, I’ve easily convinced myself to book a trip and visit my friend in Miami. Enough with all this typing. Bring on the beach bumming!