Face Mask Time!

Every day our face takes a beating. No, not a physical beating, but from the simplest things such as the air we breathe! Our skin is like a sponge and absorbs whatever it comes in contact with and unfortunately the air isn’t the cleanest thanks to pollution and neither our hands, which are the biggest culprits in clogging our pores. And we all know the sun isn’t our best friend either 😦

One of my favorite ways to revitalize and cleanse my skin is with face masks. Every week, I grab one of these miracles in a bottle, cake my face and wait for the magic to happen. And the result? Clean skin, small pores…the works! You don’t even need to spend your whole paycheck either. Make your own masks at home! I can’t wait to mix up some beauty concoctions in the kitchen. You know I’ll follow up with a blog post 😉

Mask Time!

GlamGlow facial mask
$38 – debenhams.com

Eye mask
$11 – nelly.com

Face mask

Eve Lom cleansing mask

Crazy for beauty masks like me? Let me know which one is your fave in the comments!