I’ve Got An Orange Crush On Spring Lips

When it comes to makeup, are you getting tired of the same ol’ same ol’? Feel like you’re reusing the same look over and over? Me too! How do we solve that? The easiest game changer is lipstick (duh!). With spring officially here, I’m itching for new colors to spice things up. Usually, I tend to go for bright magentas and pinks because they’re easier to work with and more natural.

I want to wear more orange. I currently have two lipsticks of the orange/tangerine family, but I just never fell in love with them. I tried and tried, but it felt more like I was forcing the shade to work, convincing myself that I loved it, and trying to believe what the makeup counter ladies told me. Overall, I should have invested more time in research in finding the perfect shade. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have this longing for my long lost best friend or in this instance, the perfect shade of tangerine.

So, here goes my search! Thanks to Allure Magazine, I have some lipstick suggestions to guide my way on this quest. Check out shades and beauty inspiration below:

1. Senna Sheer Face Color in Terracotta 2. NYX Matte Lipstick in Indie Flick 3. Yves Saint Laurent Crème de Blush in 4 4. Kevyn Aucoin The Pure Powder Glow in Fira 5. Clarins Rouge Eclat in Juicy Clementine

What are your thoughts on this lip trend? Loving or loathing orange lips? Let me know in the comments!

Beauty Trend I’m Tempted to Try: Matte Lipstick

I remember first dabbling into makeup. At age 11, sneaking into my mom’s makeup bags in the morning when she wasn’t looking and snatching a tube of lip gloss. Riding shotgun in the car on the way to school, the stolen gloss burned a hole in my jacket pocket. Was it worth stealing borrowing? Absolutely! As soon as she pulled up to the school, I bolted out of her car and dashed over to the girls’ bathroom to layer on the pinky sheer gloss. Oooh I thought I was bad!
Many years have passed since my borrowing days and I ventured on to lipsticks. I never strayed too far away from a super moist and glossy look that had captured my heart before my tween years. With the matte lipstick trend on the rise from the Spring 2013 runways of Michael Kors, Burberry, Missoni, Donna Karen and more, I may– just may– give matte lips a try. 
The key for this look is for your lips to appear dry, but not chapped, crackly dry. To get it right, apply a matte lipstick in your favorite shade, to avoid cracked lip lines, apply a lip liner, and lastly, gently apply lip balm to keep your pout a tiny bit moist.
Scroll down for matte lip looks:

Images via shefinds.com, hudabeauty.com and fashion-ation.blogspot.com

Makeup Fun

Over the weekend, my M.A.C makeup artist friend, Sherena Mercer, and I had a ton of fun. The type of fun I’m talking about includes dabbling with shadows, swirling powders, lining lids and blotting lips. As I approached her home, she warned me that she had a dramatic look in mind. I assured her that I was game for anything since I knew that her work would turn out fabulous. Girl, was I in for a treat!
So here’s the dramatic transformation from start to finish:




Stay tuned this week for more on SF native, makeup extraordinaire, Sherena Mercer this week!

MAC Impulse Shopping

MAC is a dangerous place. Not sure why I can’t seem to just buy the one thing I intended on buying. Instead, I leave with two additional items as well. It’s the same situation at Target too! Ain’t I right, ladies? 
In my post on Black Cherry lip shades, I mentioned that I lost one of my lipsticks in that beautiful deep shade. So you know I just had to replenish and share:
In the bag: eye shadow in Corduroy, satin lipstick in Media, and eye brow pencil in Spiked. 
Happy girl in satin lipstick in Media shade.

All photos are original. All rights reserved.