Airplane Chic

Airplane Chic

Stripe maxi dress
$94 –

Balenciaga black sandals

Today, I’m heading on a plane back today from Vegas after SIX long days. Yes, you read that correctly. SIX days in Vegas. Don’t get it twisted, it was half work and half play. Coincidentally, my best friend’s birthday extravaganza lead immediately into the MAGIC convention. 
After days of shopping, laughing, gambling, partying, walking the strip, checking out vendor booths, making purchases, networking, and the like, all I want to do is be comfortable as possible. What do I call comfort? A long maxi dress! I’m loving this look with wedges studded wedges and the pop of color with a cobalt blue satchel. Even though I’m currently not in wedges, I wish I wasn’t so terribly exhausted so I can strap on a pair. Sandals today it is!
Anyway, they’re calling for my group to board—cattle call style on Southwest. Happy Thursday!

Feeling Blue…Cobalt Blue That Is

Lately, I’ve been going crazy for bright colored pants. At first, I was a bit apprehensive and thought, “Will these pants make my butt look big?” And to be honest, EVERYTHING is going to make my butt look big because it just is and I like it that way, OK?

My ‘happy pants’ are what my mother calls them and truly, they do put me in a happier mood! Casual, dressy, somewhere in between— there’s always an occasion for happy pants 😉