Look of the Day: Ladies Who Lunch

Don’t you just love those types of friends where you can go a while without seeing each other and then finally reunite and act like you live together? Yeah, well that’s me and jewelry artisan, Jessica Linehan of Bobbi J. With our chaotic schedules, we were lucky set a date, time and location for a little lunchy-poo. On this particular day, the sun couldn’t shine any brighter in Union Square and we were so fortunate and had to take advantage before the fog rolled on in. 
We decided to take a stroll down Maiden Lane before we grabbed a bite to eat before my class. Scroll on down for our looks of the day in beautiful San Francisco:
Jessica Linehan 

Handmade Bobbi J jewels. Soon to be available on bobbijsf.com

Leather + Leopard + SF Mission District

Every now and then I like to get lost in my surroundings. Whether I’m in the city, suburbs, parks or even in my own neighborhood, the explorer in me takes note of what’s going on in the world. 
When shooting for last week’s Friday Feature, we came across amazing artwork alongside a building on the smallest street in SF (not sure if it’s in fact the smallest, but it seemed pretty damn small to me!). 
Here are several shots of the artwork and yours truly sporting my favorites: leather and leopard.