Monday Motivation: Live in the Present Moment

One of the many quotes I have posted around my home is, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” (Buddah) I mounted this quote in particular because, like many, I tend to dwell in the past and worry about my future. Sometimes my mind gets filled with phrases like ‘what if this happens’, ‘I should have done that’ and ‘I wish blank happened’. Feelings of anxiety, doubt and sadness shortly follow these negative thoughts. This is why I have that quote posted: to remember to be grateful for what I have at this present moment, to acknowledge that the past is done and over with and to be excited for the blessings that the future holds. By redirecting my thoughts, I put my mind at ease and recognize all the blessings in my life. For more helpful tips, check out a great site I stumbled upon here.

Happy Monday!

Monday Motivation: Grudges

Every now and then, someone does something and it pisses us off. We get angry, emotional, sad– basically anything but happy. Maybe we say something to them about it, maybe we don’t. Try to work it out and it doesn’t work out the way you want it to. Some time passes and we still get ticked off when reminded about that situation that we hold in our heart. Let that shit go. Let it go. Now! Whether it was yesterday or ten years ago– let’s move on and move forward. There’s no point in holding in anger within yourself about something we cannot change. It’s in the past and it’s done. The grudge hurts the person holding it the most.