Friday Feature: Stylist + Blogger, Raphael Sarmiento

I appreciate unique, personal style. Replication just can’t be done so easily when a person puts so much thought and effort into creating a specific tone and statement in mixing eras, putting together prints and hues and finalizing the finishing touches. When I met Raphael Sarmiento, aka Rap, that’s one of the first things I noticed about him– his awesome, unique style that is completely unpredictable and it works every damn time. Every week that I see him, I yell, “Yesssss!” Clearly, I just can’t get enough. As we got to know one another, it made perfect sense that he was a stylist. So you know what that meant– I had to pick his brain on his thoughts about fashion and style.
Check out an exclusive interview below:

Xiomara: What inspires your style?

Raphael: California. California style is laid back and simple. I think California has a kind of effortless glamour. I like to build looks around ‘California characters’ like Hollywood star, Dolores Park hipster, surfer dude, etc. I also feel an obligation to live up to my nickname, Rap Star, so I can get a little gaudy because you know… Rap is offensive.

Xiomara: Recent/most notable styling work you’ve done?
Raphael: A photo I styled got published in Vanity Fair! I was on set at another photo shoot I was styling back in May when I found out the news. It was a photo shoot I styled last summer and I had no idea that the photographer was going to submit it. Even though the photo in the magazine occupies a little corner, it was a crazy feeling to run my fingers over my work on a glossy page.
Xiomara: Describe your style?
Raphael: My style is eclectic, but well assembled. I like taking different genres of styles and mixing them together. I love to dress for occasion and play somewhat with themes but making sure that I don’t make it too literal so that it’s costume-y.
Xiomara: Favorite fashion/style icons?
Raphael: Pharrell, Andre 3000, Willy Cartier, Tony Montana aka Scarface, Cassie, Rihanna, Prince and Jean Michel Basquiat.
Xiomara: What inspired you to start styling and blogging?
Raphael: I’ve kept a personal blog since high school but it wasn’t until about a couple years ago that I decided to create a style blog. I started posting my OOTD’s on Instagram on International Suit Up Day 2011 and it’s grown since then. I began styling back in college when my friend asked me to put together outfits for her performances and since then have just taken on styling gigs when the opportunity comes. It feels a little arrogant to say this, but I’ve always had a way with clothes so it’s something that came natural.
Xiomara: What are some of your favorite go-to looks?
Raphael: I love stunting in some all black everything! But to break it up and keep it interesting, I add subtle details with pops of color, prints, and patterns. On lazy days nothing is better than a clean white tee, ripped up jeans, a snapback, and Timbs or Jordans.
Xiomara: Fave color? Fave print?
Raphael: Red is my favorite color. It’s always striking and with so many shades, it’s the easiest way to add a pop of color to any look. For prints, or patterns rather, I would have to go with snakeskin because it’s both luxe and edgy.
Make sure to follow my stylist bud, Rap, on Twitter and Instagram and check out his blog, The Rap Star Life !
Have a great Friday!

Friday Feature: Blogger + Actress, Javicia Leslie

Have you ever met someone that you just automatically clicked with (not romantically)? Pretty rare, right? Well that’s how it was when I met blogger and actress, Javicia Leslie. We were both bridesmaids for our dear friend and previous Friday Feature, Felicia Gangloff-Bailey, so it’s pretty safe to say that we would get along very well. What I admired about her most was her impeccable personal style. Unafraid to try new styles and play with eras and prints, the lovely blogger and actress is what I call a true style chameleon.
Click below for an exclusive Friday Feature interview and for more fabulous style shots of Javicia:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion and style begin?

Javicia: Fashion has always been an interest of mine. However, during my college years began my real passion for fashion. I really began to express who I was with my style.

Xiomara: How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start?

Javicia: I’ve been blogging for two years. My official blog ( is exactly 1 year old! During college I started to read blogs frequently, but it was rare to find a black female fashion blogger. Although there are some great black fashion blogs, I knew it was void that I could definitely fill. Blogging allows me to express my self to the world through fashion, photography, and the beauty of natural settings. Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve expanded and diversified my style! Blogging has also allowed me to see how I present myself to the world.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Javicia: There isn’t a color I stray from. I love bright and bold colors that make statements. As for prints, I really love stripes and polka dots. They are classic prints that you can really have a ball playing with! 

Xiomara: Describe your style. 

Javicia: I don’t believe you should have one style, my style varies! It’s funny, you can look at my blog and really see how much my style has changed over the past year. Currently, I’m really feeling the hippy vibe (It may just be my current obsession with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, lol). I love long flowy bottoms and loose crochet tops, then changing into some baggy jeans and timberlands.

Xiomara: Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons? 


  • Olsen Twins – I absolutely love their hippy style!!!! They make a statement every time they step out. 
  • Karla Deras – Although she’s no mega star, her style is impeccable!!!! 
  • Rihanna – Do I really need to explain why?!
XiomaraWhat are some of your top beauty products and regimens?

Javicia: There are a few products I live by. To start, the only face wash that touches my face is Cetaphil. This product is 100% dermatologist recommended. I love that there aren’t any fragrances, it’s made for sensitive skin, and doesn’t dry out my face. Lastly, I would die without my crest white strips! Using these 2 to 3 times per year will keep those money makers pearly! As for a regiment, the most important step is to remember to wash you face before you go to sleep. You don’t want to build up oil and dirt on your face while your sleeping.

Xiomara: As an actress, what are some of your goals and aspirations for in 10 years?

Javicia: My goal as an actress is to impact people by using my talent. I want the roles I choose to tell stories of strength and determination. In ten years I see myself developing my own tv series or film, I definitely won’t be limited to one side of the industry.

Xiomara: Favorite quote you live by?

Javicia: “Wisdom is the principle thing; therefor get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding”  Proverbs 4


There you have it! For more on the fashionista, check out her fabulous blog here.

Photos courtesy of Javicia Leslie.

Friday Feature: Video Blogger + Fashionista, Ashton Whittington

My mom always taught me to look my best at all times, but sometimes I just don’t give a sh*t. I truly admire those who are always on-point at all times. Hair, makeup, nails, and outfit– all cohesive and put together even at six o’clock in the morning! This week’s Friday Feature motivates me in so many ways in presenting my best self. Video blogging sensation, Ashton Whittington, puts everyone’s style game to shame! With thousands of subscribers to her YouTube channel, Ashton’s Closet, she has attended fashion schools such as FIDM in San Francisco and sure knows a thing or two when it comes to fashion and beauty.

Scroll down for style shots, video and an exclusive Friday Feature interview with Pumps and Lipstick on my fashionista friend and enchanting beauty, Ashton Whittington:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion begin?

Ashton: I honestly believe I was born with my passion for fashion. I could remember when I was 2 or 3 years old begging my mom for the Punky Brewster shoes with the curly shoe strings. At 3, I would pick out my clothes and lay them out every night before I went to bed. It was like a new fashion show for me everyday at pre-school. It wasn’t a game for me, I took it extremely serious. I was a really good girl. The only time I ever got out of line or was ever demanding was when it had to do with shoes or clothes that I had to have.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Ashton: Leopard will always be one of my favorite prints…I’m so picky when it comes to the color, tone and texture of it though. It has to have all the right variables for me wear it, or decorate with it. My favorite colors are black, white, gold and silver. If I had to chose one, hands down… black. I wear black everyday, it’s my go to color. Its classic, mysterious, and can be intimidating when worn all together. So when anyone is confused on what to wear, my advice is to try all black…You can never wrong.

Xiomara: Describe your style. Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons?

Ashton: I would say my style is very edgy. It’s very glamor chic meets urban-boho chic. It’s kind of over the top, yet tasteful. My fashion icons currently are Mary-Kate Olsen and Rachel Zoe. I remember always admiring Mary-Kate’s style. We are both the same age, and I just remember when we were 18 in 2005 how mature she dressed then. She’s always had this throw it on old grunge glamor look that I love. She still wears a bunch of things that I wouldn’t wear necessarily together but I appreciate her style overall and love her look.

Xiomara: Top style do’s and dont’s that you’ll never ever break?

Ashton: That’s a good question… Everything changes. I can’t say that I’d ever keep the same rule throughout my life. Style knows no limits.

Xiomara: What inspired you to start vlogging?

Ashton: A friend of mine always told me that I should vlogg. At the time I knew nothing about it, so I always declined. It wasn’t until I moved to NY that I sat in my room and started trying on outfits for the camera. I was a personal shopper at the time so I was constantly searching for clothes. I didn’t realize how much I actually enjoyed talking bout fashion. I usually talk to my girlfriends or my clients, and trust me I can talk their ears off! But never did I just talk to myself, the camera. It was a new way for me to vent, to get all my words and feelings out, I LOVED it! It wasn’t until I started vlogging that I really narrowed down my lane and my place in the fashion world.

Xiomara: How does the video creation process work?

Ashton: Depending on the type of video I’m filming, they vary in which each have different steps. In a nutshell…I film the footage, import it to my computer, edit it and then upload it. This can and does take several hours. The hardest part is the editing, it literally kicks my butt every time! Sometimes I wish I wasn’t such a stickler when it comes editing, I just know what I like and hate what I don’t.

Xiomara: What are some of your top beauty products and regimens?

Ashton: My top beauty products I would hate to live without 1. concealer 2. natural lip liner 3. bronzer. A daily regimen? Using witch hazel daily! It’s the best natural astringent anyone could ever use. I apply it with a cotton ball after I wash my face and it still manages to pick up anything left over on my face. It’s good for healing bug bites and blemishes as well. If you haven’t tried it, you should! It’s like $2 at any drugstore or Walmart.

Xiomara: Throughout the years, how has your personal style changed?

Ashton: I would say about 4-5 years ago my style was very, very sexy. That’s what was in at the time. I’m talking 2006 – 2008ish… Dresses were short and extremely tight, neck lines were plunged, colors were loud and over the top. I feel like my style has not only toned down, but has also become more refined. My style has not dramatically changed, it’s just that I dress a tad more mature. I now wear my clothes, my clothes don’t wear me. Thank God!

Xiomara: As an online video sensation, what are some of your goals and aspirations for Ashton’s Closet?
Ashton: I plan to continue to do what I love, while one day soon hopefully inspiring hundreds of thousands of people to also express themselves. I know this is what I was put here to do, and I will continue to strive until I am at that point or beyond.
Xiomara: Favorite quote you live by?

Ashton: “Everything happens for a reason.” This quote helps me with situations daily! I can easily get caught up on “coulda, shoulda, woulda’s” … I often have to say this quote out loud for me to be able to swallow a situation for what it is, stop the dwelling, and move on. I genuinely believe everything happens for a reason.


That wraps up this week’s Friday Feature. Stay tuned for more. Subscribe to Ashton’s Closet and stalk her on Instagram!

Friday Feature: Fashion Enthusiast + Designer Kaimel Rule

They say “never say never” but when talking about fashion enthusiast, designer, and entrepreneur, Kaimel Rule, I’ve never seen him in a bad outfit– not even mediocre. When it comes to men’s fashion and style, he rules. Even his last name declares it! With the launch of his brand, Reservation, he’s about to dominate along with several other projects underway. 

Scroll down below for style shots of the multi-talented individual and an exclusive Friday Feature interview with Pumps and Lipstick:

Xiomara: Describe your style.
Kaimel: I would describe my style as young, elderly, different, and unexpected. The young and elderly come from some of my looks. For example, some days, the choice will be a tight fit collard shirt and slacks or chinos, and others it’s a skateboarding T-shirt and Camo shorts. Every human is unique and different in his or her own right, and usually that shows through his or her choice of clothing. The unexpected comes from me not being scared to try things that normally wouldn’t seem to work, or things that I’ve never, or rarely seen been done before.
Xiomara: What are the top three brands you’re loyal to?
Kaimel: Number 1 would have to be Ralph Lauren Polo. It’s sad that they’ve done away with the rugby division of it because that was definitely one of my top inspirations for my work. Polo has always been timeless, and that is something I constantly push for. The Hundreds is a close second, not so much because of their clothing, which are high quality and stylish, but for their loyalty to their brand, way of marketing, and designs. Staying true to the way something began while becoming incredibly successful is rare. It’s not for everybody, because some brands want and need change, but the ones that don’t, and still strive are simply beautiful.
Xiomara: What inspires your style? 
Kaimel: Life and everything within it! More specifically, my attitude, my mood, and experiences I’ve been through. There’s always something on one’s mind, and I feel as if that plays a part into what somebody is about to dress themselves in. At times I’ve been inspired by what other people wear, but not often, so I can say that my feelings have always inspired my style.
Xiomara: How has your style evolved over the years?
Kaimel: By the looking at the photo timeline of my life, it goes from smaller, to larger, to much smaller. As a kid before I started choosing my own clothes I wore a lot of IZOD, paired with weird looking plaid shorts. During the rebel stage of middle school/high school I wore a lot of skateboarding T-shirts that were small, but then I would switch into a jersey that was an XXL, when in reality I needed nothing more than a Medium. I’d say my style was always nice, but off the wall at times, so it has evolved into something fairly simple paired with great coordination.
Xiomara: Who are your fashion/style icons and why?

Kaimel: Pharrell Williams from The Neptunes/N.E.R.D because that was really the first person ever that I could totally relate to, well aside from being a musician. In the time that I was growing up, the acceptance rate for African Americans being ‘proper’, and being involved in ‘Caucasian things’ was very low. As a person who grew up getting made up for listening to Rock music and Skateboarding, the movement at that time was perfect. He wasn’t looking for acceptance and neither was I. An honorable mention goes to Kanye West, pre-Amber Rose of course.
Xiomara: As a man with multiple talents –fashion enthusiast, blogger, graphic design artist, entrepreneur– what are some of your current projects that you’re working on?
Kaimel: Well, the line for my brand is an everyday process. I like to have loads of designs saved up for picking and choosing. The critiques I got on the first shirts I put out were great, and I plan to release my first few pieces very soon. With that, updates to the information on my website, as well as the design will change. I’ve been designing things here and there for people when approached about it, plus going to start working with someone on their own clothing line. I am also working with something that has to do with food. I came up with the idea, and will be designing the label for it. I’m excited to see how far it will go.
Xiomara: What are your opinions on Men’s fashion today? Something missing or want more of?
Kaimel: Everything looks pretty good to me. Lots of different styles are becoming available to men that were never available or accepted before. There are many choices for a man to catapult his style on the daily, so my only opinion really is, be yourself.
Xiomara: Biggest pet peeves in style that make you want to scream?
Kaimel: I try my hardest not to point the finger at what anyone chooses to wear, because at the end of the day it’s all on them, but I’d have to say, overmatching and unoriginality. I’m big on tones, not colors, so most of the time I’m not even really matching, but too much of one color is the death of some outfits. A person’s own conscience is the top judge on their originality, but others can tell when something is forced.
Xiomara: As a sneakerhead, what are the top three sneaks you’re looking to cop in 2013?

Kaimel: Jordan has been making a strong comeback, dropping many sought after shoes latley, so I must have the Grape 5s (V), The Black/Blue 1s (I), and the White/Black/Red/Grey 8s (VIII).

Xiomara: 10 years from now, where do you see yourself in your career?

Kaimel: In 10 years, I see myself maintaining a successful company, which under the umbrella includes, continuing to design quality clothing for a timeless brand, styling people for shoots, videos, spreads or whatever it may be, and still designing logos and things of that nature for people like I always have. That’s what I see within 5-8 years. In the total of 10 I would like to open up a center for children to teach design and other things within the digital genre. I would like to be able to provide jobs, knowledge, and my vision of a proper style to people all over. Life is a blessing, and I would feel accomplished with myself by the things I created, plus warm in the heart for the things I can possibly do for other people that never got the chance. I love to inspire. 


For more on Kaimel Rule, check out his blog Reserved Gentlemen and follow the fashionisto on Twitter. Peep an exclusive video by my blogger friend, Kim Christophersen, of Sequins + Studs featuring Kaimel and his brand here. Stay tuned for more on his brand, Reservation!

Photos courtesy of Kaimel Rule.

NYE: Welcoming 2013

The night started out toasting with friends to a new year full of abundance in health, wealth, success, love, happiness and laughter. Where it ended? That’s a secret I’ll never tell…(Yes, I’m the biggest Gossip Girl fan.)

Light makeup + Messy bun
Rose gold sequins.

Studs on studs.

Dolce Vita.

The morning after.

All photos are original. All rights reserved.

Look of the Day: Knits + Beads

One of my good friends invited me and some gal pals over to surprise her mother for her 50th birthday over brunch. Free food, free booze, lots of mother-daughter love…why not? And of course, I can’t miss out on a good surprise. Anyone who knows me, knows that I like to pull a couple pranks here and there.

So here’s my look of the day: knitted dress from H&M that I’ve had since forever, Enzo Angiolini boots, tights, long necklace and beaded belt. Get a closer look below…

Headed to a surprise birthday brunch.
Big hair. Don’t care.

Long beaded necklace from…who knows?

Vintage python clutch. Handmade in Africa.

Top half.

Hand-beaded vintage bow waist belt.

All photos are original. All rights reserved.

Friday Feature: Stylist + Blogger, Kim Christophersen

When it comes to style, one of the most important factors is to stay true to yourself. Dress for yourself, people! Not for anyone else. That’s why I’m such a fan of stylist and Sequins + Studs blogger, Kim Christophersen. Representing my hometown, Sacramento, Kim has such a unique and personal style. She is unafraid to try new trends, colors and prints and is always amazingly put together from head-to-toe. From rocking violet peek-a-boo streaks to mixing leopard and polka dot, I love whatever she puts together and am honored to have her as one of my Friday Features!
So scroll on down and peep photos of the lovely Kim and exclusive interview with Pumps and Lipstick:

Xiomara: When did your love for fashion begin?

Kim: My love for fashion started at an early age. Even though I attended private school from Kindergarten to eighth grade where strict uniforms were required, I always tried to make it my own through shoes or hair accessories.

Xiomara: Describe your style in 3 words.

Kim: Ever-changing. Fun. Spirited.

Xiomara: Who are your favorite, all-time fashion icons?

Kim: Edie Sedgwick, Brigitte Bardot and Nicole Richie.

Xiomara: Top do’s and dont’s that you’ll never ever break?

Kim: DO always dress for yourself. I love following trends and what’s ‘in’ at the time, but the important thing for me is to wear what makes me happy. DON’T be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Push the envelope every once in awhile and you’ll be surprised at what creative looks you can pull off!

Xiomara: What inspires you to write when blogging?

Kim: I started blogging because I am constantly inspired by everything around me and I needed one place to compile all of the creative energy and ideas that had been building up. I’d say a majority of my inspiration comes from the people, places and events in my life. Music is also a big inspiration for me and if you look closely, you’ll notice that a lot of my blog titles are song lyrics. Any time I’m drawing a blank or feeling uninspired, I turn to platforms such as Tumblr, Pinterest and We Heart It to find instant inspiration.

Xiomara: What are your biggest pet peeves in style that makes you want to walk up to a stranger and fix?

Kim: My biggest pet peeve is when people wear clothes that don’t compliment their body or fit them right. I’m a firm believer that anyone, no matter what their shape or size, can pull off any trend or look they want – the key is remembering to dress for your body.

Xiomara: Favorite prints and colors?

Kim: My favorite prints right now are chevron, floral and polka dots. As for colors, I’m loving burgundy, deep wine and burnt orange. I’m also obsessed with all things emerald and deep turquoise.

Xiomara: Throughout the years, how has your personal style changed?

Kim: Oh, wow. I don’t think I can give a simple answer for this. What I have noticed though is that as I’ve grown up and become more comfortable in my own skin, I have also become more confident in what I wear. When I was younger, I would dress according to what the ‘cool’ style was at the time or what my friends were wearing. Now, I dress solely for myself.

Xiomara: As a stylist and blogger for Krazy Mary’s boutique, what’s your day like?

Kim: No two days are the same, which is great for me! As a stylist, I’m either pulling looks for our blog, private events, fashion shows or photo shoots and as a blogger, I’m researching fashion forecasts, trend reports and working on building our audience through our site ( Mary Kawano (owner) is such an amazing woman and inspiration to me. She’s been a wonderful teacher and I feel blessed to be able to learn and grow every day.

Xiomara: In your career in fashion, blogging and PR, where do you see yourself in the future?

Kim: I always struggle when I’m asked this, as it’s hard for me to imagine placing myself into one box. My love is in fashion writing and styling, so I’d say something involving both of those.


For more on the lovely Kim Christophersen, visit and subscribe to her fabulous blog, Sequins + Studs, and stalk her on Instagram, TumblrPinterest, and Twitter. And by the way, send her some birthday wishes. It’s her birthday today 😉

All photos are property of Kim Christophersen.

Life’s a Beach: Winter Vacation Inspiration

Playa Flamenco, Puerto Rico

A last minute trip to my island, Puerto Rico, has been eating away at me. Should I stay? Should I go? Who’s gonna feed my cat? Really, $1,100.00 for a round-trip flight? All signs point to ‘yes’ but things get a little more complicated of course.

So, I decided to put a look together to help inspire me some more on my journey to the Caribbean. For an island that is almost 100% humidity 100% of the time, a maxi dress is an easy pick for it’s effortless flow and airy-ness. Studded sandals in a deep blue add a hint of edge. Gold accessories create a glam feel and tastefully add lots of gleam and sheen. Pops of bright colors are undeniable for the Caribbean with orange polish and magenta lipstick. Top off the entire look with a straw fedora and it screams “I’m on vacation!”

Wow…I think I just typed myself into a decision. Yes.

Life's a Beach

Matthew williamson

$595 –

Yellow gold earrings
$20 –

Agent Ninetynine straw hat
$26 –

Mini Bio: Xiomara

A couple months ago, I was looking at my blog for areas to update. I concluded that my ‘About’ page was a little…blah. Sure, a picture can say 1,000 words and a short blurb about myself provided another dimension, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to do something different and creative that would really represent myself. 
During that time, I came across an amazing music video that my friend, Jessica Linehan, owner of Bobbi J, was featured in. Coincidentally, our friend, Alisia Perez, actually directed, cut and edited the video herself. After the video had ended, I knew that I wanted to create a ‘mini bio’ for my ‘About’ page and I wanted Alisia to direct it. 
So here it is! Click ‘Play’ and enjoy.

Thanksgiving Weekend Looks

This year was a tad bit harder for me to leave home after Thanksgiving. Maybe it was nostalgia, maybe it was feeling like a kid in my parents’ homes or maybe it was the plethora of leaves changing color that made me want to stay one more night.
While I was staying at my dad’s house throughout the holiday weekend, I was amazed by how much a backyard can transform from a plot of dirt to a lush secret garden after twelve years of shoveling, running back and forth to Home Depot, planting seeds and bushes and nurturing most days of the year. Let’s say I had a wee bit too much fun snapping shots of leaves, chimes and flowers.
Take a peek at mother nature via Elk Grove, CA suburbia and my fuzzy, faux fur looks over the weekend: