MAC Impulse Shopping

MAC is a dangerous place. Not sure why I can’t seem to just buy the one thing I intended on buying. Instead, I leave with two additional items as well. It’s the same situation at Target too! Ain’t I right, ladies? 
In my post on Black Cherry lip shades, I mentioned that I lost one of my lipsticks in that beautiful deep shade. So you know I just had to replenish and share:
In the bag: eye shadow in Corduroy, satin lipstick in Media, and eye brow pencil in Spiked. 
Happy girl in satin lipstick in Media shade.

All photos are original. All rights reserved.

Fall Makeup Trend: Black Cherry Lipstick

My most favorite lip shade for Fall and Winter is Black Cherry– a deep burnt red blended with plum. It’s the epitome of sultry, velvet and sexy. Every woman that wears this shade, has a ‘come hither’ look about them. It took me some time to get used to a darker shade on my lips since I’m used to brighter hues, but it turned into a beautiful relationship. And of course, when I want to blog about Black Cherry lipstick, I lose my friggin’ lipstick! You know what that means…off to Sephora I go! 
Peep the shades below:

Maybelline New York – Plum Perfect

Bobbi Brown Big Rich Color – Crimson

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