Monday Motivation: Perception of Obstacles

Obstacles: those bumps in the road, the scary monster in our way and the bully that’s trying to stop us from getting to where we want to be. With everything we try to do, there is going to be an obstacle– guaranteed. What may hinder us from winning is our perception of how we view these barriers. Are they small? Kinda big? Ginormous? Scary? Puny? Do they scare you away from your dream? Make you reconsider whether it’s worth all the trouble of blasting through the great wall of fear? Or do you want to achieve your goal so bad that you don’t give a you-know-what and will stop at nothing to get there? All in all, the choice is yours and you have the power and choice to change your perception of these obstacles from the size of Mount Everest to the size of an ant hill. Believe that you can do it and that you’re strong enough. Trust that there is an end to the hurdles before you cross the finish line! Know that the reason why there are obstacles on each course is to test how badly you want your goals! If there weren’t any barriers, would it even be worth your time? Absolutely not.

So, take a look at some of the things you want to do in your life and envision your path to your dreams. Do you mostly see the obstacles or your goals?

Happy Monday, everyone!

Never Give Up

A reminder that I must reflect on daily:

The cost of giving up is much, much, greater than the cost of pursuing your dream. What’s a little hard work? Sweat? The occasional and guaranteed bump in the road? What’s one more day of putting in the extra effort compared to the greatest moment of realization that you’ve completed and attained the goal or dream you’ve wanted with all of your heart?

Yes, it may be hard and we’ll all have days where we contemplate, “Is it really worth it? Are the rejections, the hurdles, the pain, really worth what I’ve set to achieve?” The answer is yes. Anything that you really want and is worth the time and effort involves what I like to call, ‘The Process’. It makes us stronger, wiser, and ready to beat the next thing that comes at us with ease. I’m learning to embrace it more and more each day. (Keyword: embrace)

I mean really, Regret sucks and the ‘What If?’ questions suck even more. Do we really want to deal with those two for the rest of our lives if we quit our pursuit of whatever it is that we want? Let’s not.

The end is sweet and pure bliss so, keep going! Keep pushing! Big dreams, small dreams, lose weight, get fit, job promotion, world travel, home ownership, business venture, published novel, who cares! Quit thinking too much and let’s go! Sooner or later you’ll look up and already be there— where you want to be.

Embrace every moment of every day. Enjoy.