Look of the Day: Crazy Striped Dress

Oh, it’s amazing how a sunny day can make a girl wanna get dolled up to skip around town. Thank God this past Saturday wasn’t too hot. I had the pleasure of meeting up with my oh-so-stylish, ‘long lost’ cousin (not really lost, but it had been a while since we’d seen each other) and have a lovely lunch on Lakeshore Avenue soaking in the sun. 
Inspired by the weather, I chose a new, crazy striped dress I swooped up from a boutique, called Sway. I swear it’s like my neighborhood Forever 21! On days that I want height without the pain of heels, I strap on my peep toe, espadrille wedges. They’re almost flat, but four inches off the ground! I went simple with custom Bobbi J jewelry and studded earrings along with natural makeup, but with a punch of color on the lips.
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I love my MK, but I’m craving a new look. Good thing it’s my birthday next month 😉

I never get tired of M.A.C.’s ‘Girl About Town’

Custom necklace by Bobbi J and emerald glitter shellac. Yup, I said glitter shellac! They applied a clear shellac layer and dipped my entire nail in a bowl of glitter! A whole damn bowl! This was by far, the best nail shop experience I’ve had…ever!  

How cute is my cousin, Lynda?! 

Stay tuned for more posts! Can’t wait any longer? Stay posted via Instagram and Twitter

Beach Bummin’

As I’m entering the middle of this hectic first quarter of my grad program, I can barely find the time to blog. Sorry, folks! Within the past 36 hours I’ve had 4 midterms and a huge presentation. Can you say ‘no life’? I’m happy to say I currently have a little bit of breathing room so, where’s my first escape to relax? My blog.

Today’s Polyvore inspiration is 100% influenced by my mood. All I want to do right now is teleport myself to a tropical beach with white, soft sand and clear water, lay down on a comfy lounge chair that’s strategically placed underneath an umbrella, magazine in hand, with a bucket-o-brews by my side. No cell phone, no laptop, not a damn thing.

The next thing I consider as I’m daydreaming about relaxing at the beach, is what am I gonna wear? As I hate tan lines, strapless is my go-to. I’m crazy for color and prints and new styles away from the typical string bikini and opt for a synched bottom with a v-cut on top. After splashing in the water, my hair goes absolutely cray-cray– a hat is a necessitiy so, why not add a little bit of drama with this floppy brim. As you see, with the bucket-o-brews, my tummy won’t be so flat so, that’s where I cue in this fab fringed and laced sarong.

As I type away, I’ve easily convinced myself to book a trip and visit my friend in Miami. Enough with all this typing. Bring on the beach bumming!

Monday Motivation: Laugh It Up!

If I could choose one thing to do all day and every single day, it would be to laugh. I absolutely love laughing and the tingly feeling I get that rushes over my body as I smile and giggle uncontrollably. You can’t be in a bad mood when you’re rolling on the ground, face turning from shades of pink to dark red and laughing so hard that you’re gasping for air. I mean really, who doesn’t? So, lets kick this week off with a funny video I came across over the weekend.

Hope you enjoy!

Flower Power – The Most Girliest Print of All

I can’t feel any more girly than I do when I’m sporting any type of flower print. My inner femininity just blossoms with each flower that is printed on the garment. Being that I was a tomboy growing up, some part of me doesn’t want to be or feel girly, but there’s a layer in my soul just itching to wear a bouquet of flowers and skip down the street. I blame spring for causing me this flower fever! 🙂

Flower Power

Monday Motivation: Perception of Obstacles

Obstacles: those bumps in the road, the scary monster in our way and the bully that’s trying to stop us from getting to where we want to be. With everything we try to do, there is going to be an obstacle– guaranteed. What may hinder us from winning is our perception of how we view these barriers. Are they small? Kinda big? Ginormous? Scary? Puny? Do they scare you away from your dream? Make you reconsider whether it’s worth all the trouble of blasting through the great wall of fear? Or do you want to achieve your goal so bad that you don’t give a you-know-what and will stop at nothing to get there? All in all, the choice is yours and you have the power and choice to change your perception of these obstacles from the size of Mount Everest to the size of an ant hill. Believe that you can do it and that you’re strong enough. Trust that there is an end to the hurdles before you cross the finish line! Know that the reason why there are obstacles on each course is to test how badly you want your goals! If there weren’t any barriers, would it even be worth your time? Absolutely not.

So, take a look at some of the things you want to do in your life and envision your path to your dreams. Do you mostly see the obstacles or your goals?

Happy Monday, everyone!

Look of the Day: Ladies Who Lunch

Don’t you just love those types of friends where you can go a while without seeing each other and then finally reunite and act like you live together? Yeah, well that’s me and jewelry artisan, Jessica Linehan of Bobbi J. With our chaotic schedules, we were lucky set a date, time and location for a little lunchy-poo. On this particular day, the sun couldn’t shine any brighter in Union Square and we were so fortunate and had to take advantage before the fog rolled on in. 
We decided to take a stroll down Maiden Lane before we grabbed a bite to eat before my class. Scroll on down for our looks of the day in beautiful San Francisco:
Jessica Linehan 

Handmade Bobbi J jewels. Soon to be available on bobbijsf.com