Bargain Buys = Happy Girl

Last week I almost lost my damn mind. Like, out of my mind, insanely happy, shocked beyond belief type of deal. In this particular instance, I found amazing deals during MLK weekend. It’s not like I was actively searching for deals or even in a shopping mood. I just stumbled upon them while enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon. All I can say is, “Winner winner, chicken dinner!”
So, let me break down for y’all what exactly brought me to the brink of happy insanity:
1. Black embellished waist belt from Urban Outfitters. I originally thought the price was $9.99 (originally $36) when I found this beauty on the sale rack. Boy, did I get stupid giddy when the sales associate rang me up and told me it was $4.99!

2. Grey leopard print BDG denim from Urban Outfitters. Like the waist belt above, this puppy was listed for $9.99 (originally $68). So, you can understand my confusion when I was told my total amounted to under $11! I almost kissed the cashier when she explained that there was an additional 50% discount off all sale items.

3. Bright pink cropped slim pants from Gap. I already have the same pants in cobalt blue, and I love them so much. When I spotted these bad boys amidst the sale madness, I knew they would be mine! With Spring around the corner, this bright, light pink is the perfect shade for the blossoming season. Want to know what the sales associate told to me? “Oh, don’t forget to take advantage of the extra 40% off sale items!” So I skipped out of Gap paying less than $12!

 Fresh out the bag. Please excuse the wrinkles.

So, those are my recent bargain buys and I always score when I’m not trying to score. Winning!

Tweet much? Follow Pumps and Lipstick on Twitter: pumps_lipstick. Shamelessly addicted to Instagram? Feel free to stalk pumps_and_lipstick on IG!


Monday Motivation: Karma

I’m a firm believer in Karma. I believe that what you put out in the world, whether positive or negative, you will receive the exact type of energy you exerted. The concept brings you back to science class, huh? If so, a lightbulb should have turned on for you.

Once I started to apply this concept, I began to put out more good— generosity, smiles, compliments, a helping hand…all of it. Afterwards, I started to receive a lot of gifts! Most were not wrapped with a bow on top, but in small ways that added to a huge sum— kind cards, free tickets, gift cards, free parking, a raise, $20 bill on the street with noone around, help from a stranger and many more.

When I let my anger take over and put out negativity…sh*t started getting real. Parking tickets, fees on fees on fees, arguments with loved ones, unnecessary drama, and more.

No need to pull a Blair Waldorf and engulf yourself in a sea of scheming to get revenge on the world. Karma will return whatever was put out in the universe. I guarantee it! So keep looking fabulous, honey and keep it pushin’!

Artisan Jewelry Pieces from the Caribbean

Any time a friend or family member asks me what type of gifts or souvenirs I’d like from their travels, I always ask for jewelry and/or accessories. I figure it’s convenient for them to bring back because of the compact size and weight, but I also think they’re the easiest pieces to incorporate in any look and adds a lil’ something special with the story of where it’s from.
This time around, my dad recently returned from Cuba with quite a few artisan jewelry pieces. Take a peek for all the goodies below:

Sterling silver drop earrings paired with drop choker with amethyst stones.

Sterling silver bracelet cuff with carved wood bead.

Sterling silver bracelet cuff with dark coral stone.

Large sea shell ring.

Sterling silver bracelet with black coral stone and opal details.

Sterling silver drop earrings with Tiger’s Eye stones.

Style Profile Video: Dante Wright of The Bellwether Project

The first male Friday Feature on Pumps and Lipstick, my boyfriend’s trouble-making (<– not really) best friend and Chief Styling Officer of The Bellwether Project, Dante Wright, is making moves and putting San Francisco on the map.

Check out an amazing video directed by Whitney Dinneweth featuring Mr. Wright and get his perspective on fashion, style and his inspirations:

Keep your eyes peeled for the Bellwether duo with a special project coming out soon…

Weekend Adventures

Went a little camera crazy on Sunday when Pops came into town. The weather was absolutely amazing, everyone was cheery for the holiday weekend and I couldn’t ask for more. What I love about hanging out with my dad is that we have no agenda to abide by. It’s all about enjoying the present moment whether we’re strolling down a busy shopping avenue, getting a bite to eat, sipping tea or coffee at a cafe, people watching, or taking a drive up the hills to reach the top and catch a pretty view of the bay.

Here are some shots of our lovely Sunday. Hope you enjoy!

Near Merritt College in Oakland. Found a plot of land for sale with amazing views of SF, bay and bridges for a small fortune of 800K. 

Crazy wind going on here!

Passed a flower shop in Albany and found this beauty.

Mellow yellow.

Dad’s veggie taco plate in Albany.

Water for me while on my 21-day cleanse.

Berkeley Marina. 1/4 mile long!

Hello Sun!


Richmond Bridge in the background.
At the end of Berkeley Marina. I wonder how long it was before the breakup?
See the Golden Gate?

After the long walk, we stopped at Skates on the Bay for a bite to eat/sip. Dad thinks he’s ‘too cool’. 

Big hair don’t care.

All photos are original and property of Xiomara Rosa-Tedla.

Monday Motivation: Keep Yourself Going Forward

Keep it going!

In the beginning of setting a personal goal, I’m always super psyched outta-my mind and ready to take on the world [insert Rocky theme song here]. Whether its training for a half-marathon, eating extra healthy, or heck, even cutting down the number of reality shows I watch, I feel like the world is on my side, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and I’m more than excited to start said goal.

And then two weeks pass and I start to get tired. The flame has died down. I’d rather stay in bed. ‘Getting over the hump’ is what I call it.

It’s not as hard as we think it is to keep the wheels on moving– just a little procrastination mixed with laziness topped with a dollop of lack of encouragement. I find it easy to use tools to push through the ‘motivation mud’ and get back on track. Training your mind to keep the train moving by yourself is possible, but easier with something or someone to help you. One of the tools/tricks I use is reading motivating articles online. This time around I ended up at Take a peek at this straightforward article to get over the hump: How To Motivate Yourself. Hope you enjoy!

Have a wonderful Monday!

Photo via

Friday Feature: SOL Spoken’s Karega Bailey and Felicia Gangloff-Bailey

I find that power couples are rare. No really, I mean it. Rare. SOL Spoken’s Karega Bailey and Felicia Gangloff-Bailey are a power couple– for real. Hard work doesn’t scare these D.C. newlyweds. The two California-raised individuals have strong backgrounds in education and music and the dynamic duo are nonstop working in the careers and passions. SOL Spoken, SOL meaning: source of light, was established in 2010 by Karega Bailey to combine the arts of poetry and song that positively motivates and inspires the community. They are amazing artists with incredible talent and drive where any member of the audience can truly experience and feel an amazing performance poetically, intellectually, and musically.
The married couple have an amazing style and flair that is true to themselves. They are unafraid of trying new styles and eras, mixing vibrant colors and patterns and can still put a unique stamp on any look.

It is an honor and a privilege to feature such a motivational couple, a personal inspiration of mine, and what is even better is to call them my friends.

Scroll down for shots of Karega and Felicia and get the scoop on SOL Spoken with an exclusive Friday Feature interview with Pumps and Lipstick:

Xiomara: What is your mission for establishing SOL Spoken?

Karega & Felicia: SOL spoken was established so that we could use the art of poetry and song to amplify our academic interest to impact humanity, particularly with the youth.

Xiomara: What are your backgrounds in music and writing?

Karega & Felicia: Felicia holds a degree in music education from Hampton University and is a classically trained pianist. Karega is a poet who uses his sociology and education background to address the needs of his students, his community and his people in general. Felicia is currently pursuing her PhD in Educational Psychology with a research interest on African American students, hip hop music, and achievement motivation at Howard University in Washington, DC.

Xiomara: Since the beginning of SOL Spoken, what are a few major accomplishments you have achieved?

Karega & Felicia: Well SOL Spoken is the brand identity for the art that we produce, but all of Karega’s oratory presentations and literature fall under SOL SPOKEN as well. Since its establishment in 2010,
  • We’ve won the Love From the Soundstage Award for Best Collaboration 2011.
  • Karega won the NUSPA ( National Underground Spoken Word Poetry Award) for best male poet of the year 2012.
  • Us along with rapper/poet Common were selected to perform for Dr.Maya Angelou at the Maya Angelou Public Charter School annual fundraiser.
  • We released a double album titled Surrender and completed a six city tour and we have been featured on a number of entertainment blogs and magazines.
  • Launched our clothing line available on
  • Filmed our first music documentary titled Surrender, based on our recent tour in California. 
Xiomara: Describe what someone would experience watching your performance?

Karega & Felicia: We have been told that our performances are powerful and dynamic. Show-goers often report that the passion we display in our work is heart-touching.  A SOL SPOKEN production is going to include poetry, vocal song inspired by hip hop, Roots Reggae, Negro Spirituals, Contemporary Gospel and live musicianship. It has often been recognized as ‘Truth Music’.

Xiomara: What are your goals for SOL Spoken this year?

Karega & Felicia: This year, we will get a national distribution deal, make television appearances on major television networks and hold a scholarship banquet in which we provide scholarships to a number of deserving high school students.

Xiomara: What is your style influenced by? Music? Trends?

Karega & Felicia: As artists, our style is inspired by minimalism, comfort, and color. Minimalism referring to cost, we are not after the brand with the biggest most expensive name. We do not represent that. Comfort refers to our ability to perform freely, vibe with our people and when possible, our clothes contain messages that uphold our philosophy. Color refers to just that; color. We like to blend, compliment, contrast and invite new colors into a wardrobe. It is not at all about always matching.  

Xiomara: Got any style icons? If so, who and why?

Karega & Felicia: No style icons in particular, however, Felicia enjoys trends and style from the 70’s. It’s her favorite era of fashion because of its burst of vibrant colors that can be paired with anything. Felicia is also admirable of anything edgy accompanied care free attitude and a dash of sexy.

Xiomara: Felicia, what are a few of your beauty regimens that are a must? 

Felicia: I wouldn’t say I have any particular regimens that are a must. I am an advocate of washing my face in the morning and before bed and all around keeping my face clean, that is essential. I’ve noticed lately, however, lipstick is a must! Especially for performances. MAC preferred and usually reds, pinks, purples, corals, oranges….you get the point. I love lipstick. Ruby Woo by MAC is definitely a favorite and most recently I have been rocking Schiap by NARS with Cherry Lip Liner from MAC.  Additionally, because of my fair complexion, I always make sure I am wearing a bronzer. Not something to heavy, but enough to give me a little tone. (Refined Golden, MAC Bronzer).

Xiomara: How has starting and growing SOL Spoken molded you into the person you are today? 10 years from now, where do you see yourselves in your careers?

Karega & Felicia: Since starting SOL SPOKEN, our belief in touching lives through art has been strengthened. We understand that there is much more work to be done and we have accepted the calling to serving. This means that soon we will have to launch a world tour and touch millions of lives with SOL SPOKEN. And in ten years our tours will be more than music, it will be inspiration tours in which we use our academic training Dr. Felicia G.Bailey Educational Psychology Ph. D and Karega Bailey, M.Ed.
For more on the dynamic duo, visit for upcoming event dates, blog, and shop SOL Spoken tees and sweatshirts. Stream amazing performances on your computer or mobile via SOL Spoken’s YouTube channel. And be sure to stalk them via Twitter and Facebook!

Photos courtesy of Karega Bailey and Felicia Gangloff-Bailey.

Look of the Day: Leopard + Trench

Today I head out to meet two of my beautiful, Friday Feature friends, Jessica Linehan and Shireen Rahimi, for lunch and chit chat about our business plans for 2013. It’s such an amazing sunny and crisp Thursday so, I had to sport one of my favorites: leopard! This teal and camel, button-up top was gifted to me by my loving aunt and uncle in Puerto Rico. I added an everyday skinny denim from Gap with tall Enzo Angiolini leather boots plus a Rag & Bone trench for the swift and cool San Francisco breeze.


Caught some rays on my balcony.


Downtown SF with Jessica’s Ray Bans.
Shireen Rahimi of Eclectic Other and Jessica Linehan of Bobbi J
Jessica showing us her new ‘Shona’ earrings coming soon on Bobbi J online.
On escalator down to BART. I can almost see my reflection in my newly shined boots!
Gold buttons.

Monday Motivation: Success

Want to know why most goals are not usually met by the majority of people? Because they believe that success is a straight, upward road. It’s not. You’re going to be tested by the universe to figure out how badly you really want that goal. It is guaranteed that you’ll hit some bumps in the road, experience setbacks, and hear negative opinions of others that may make you question your quest. 
The key to success? From what I’ve learned from my extremely successful personal and business mentors: perseverance. Many, many, many individuals simply give up at the first sight of an obstacle. “Oh, it’s too hard. I can’t do it. I’m tired. Blah, blah, blah.” I call bull shit. The real answer to quitters’ reasons is that they don’t want it bad enough and can live without it. 
So tell me– how bad to you want success in your life?
Happy Monday y’all! 

Color of the Moment: Emerald

I can’t get enough of this rich, lush color. Emerald been popping up everywhere in more forms than one. It’s an amazing shade and is so versatile to work with plenty of different looks and styles. I f@#king love it.

Scroll down for the details:

Emerald Envy