Friday Feature: Brittany Michelle of Irie Soiree

Once again, I’m contemplating Christmas gift ideas for mi amigas this year. As I already concluded that I’ll include some fab makeup goodies in my previous post, I thought that jewelry pieces would be the perfect pairing in my pal’s gift baskets. Of course, the pieces must be unique, stand out from a crowd and have a back story of its origins. And so, I thought of my friend from my hometown, founder and head designer of Irie Soiree, Brittany Michelle. As a personal fan from afar, it’s been incredible to watch the evolution and continued success of her brand. 

Get more on the young, up and coming designer and entrepreneur, Brittany Michelle and her brand, Irie Soiree, below with an exclusive interview and photos:

Square Biz Studs

Trinity II Studs

Brittany Michelle

Trinity Studs

Rendezvous Studs

Show Off Earrings

Kimbella from Love & Hip Hop rocking FLY studs.

Trinity II Studs

Brooke Bailey from Basketball Wives LA

Rendezvous Studs 

Brittany Michelle & Daughter

Initial Studs

3 Stacks Ring
Xiomara: As a jewelry designer, where do you find inspiration for each collection and piece?
Brittany: I draw my inspiration from the world I live in. From architecture, nature, to traffic signs — the way I see it.
Xiomara: When did you discover your love for designing jewelry?
Brittany: Growing up I was a tomboy, I didn’t even start wearing jewelry until my sophomore year in high school. When I actually started buying/wearing jewelry I would always alter the pieces somehow — from adding chains and rearranging earring posts until they were pieces I loved. I was still a little shy then, so I didn’t wear my altered pieces around my friends.
Xiomara: What inspired you to establish Irie Soiree?
Brittany: At the end of high school/first year in college, I started expressing my creativity in different ways. From starting a photography business then later a T-shirt design business. I always believed in running my own company, but after starting and stopping two businesses I realized that my heart wasn’t in those two areas. At the same time, I found myself walking into stores looking for statement accessories and they were nowhere to be found — at that point I realized that I wasn’t going to find certain pieces in stores because they were designs I created in my mind and they were not in the world yet. That was my moment — to create my visions and share them with the streets.
Xiomara: What’s the story behind your brand’s name?
Brittany: Irie Soirée is a play on words. Irie means peace, at your current state and of course soirée means nightly party. Designing and creating brings me peace, and my pieces are worn all around the world by women who are in love with originality and show it when they step out.
Xiomara: Describe your brand in three words. 
Brittany: Original. Untamed. Handmade.
Xiomara: Is your fashion style a reflection of your brand? How so?

Brittany: Most definitely. Each piece is a direct reflection of my style and my world. My brand has given me an outlet to express myself in a way that I never have before. There’s no boundaries, no apologies, no regrets. Some of my visions are risky blow me away and I am in love with that. I will never conform.

Xiomara: What are some of the difficulties you’ve faced while building your brand?
Brittany: Anytime you put something into the world you’re going to come up against critics that just don’t believe in your work or want to discredit your work by comparing your brand to another designer’s. I haven’t had to deal with this too much, but it has happened. I just use it as fuel. I have a lot of exciting things coming that will keep people talking — whether good or bad.
Xiomara: Biggest accomplishments so far in you jewelry designing career? 
Brittany: I have to admit I was pretty fucking hype to see my pieces air on season 10 of Basketball Wives LA. Brooke Bailey was showing out in my Trinity Studs! Oww!
Xiomara: How do you manage it all and still succeed–jewelry designing, full-time job, motherhood?
Brittany: Honestly I have no idea. Its either the grace of God or adrenaline. Probably a mix of both.
Xiomara: What are current projects happening right now for Irie Soiree?
Brittany: I can’t say too much but I’m branching out, jewelry won’t be the only thing you see me create. Spring 2013 is going to be ILL. Stay connected!
Xiomara: Where do you see yourself and your brand in 10 years?
Brittany: In 10 years I still want to be so in love with creating. I would like to own my own boutique. It would be on a completely different level though — a place strictly for the arts. Of course I would showcase my work but it would host freestyle battles on Fridays, runway shows, photo shoots and it would have chalkboard walls that my customers could throw up mad ideas on. I just want to continue to create an serve the streets some ill shit.

For more on Brittany Michelle and Irie Soiree, check out and follow on Facebook and Twitter! Get the perfect gifts for your best gal pals (and don’t forget yourself)! Customized pieces available!

Makeup Wish List

I like Christmas shopping for my family and friends, but I must admit that I like shopping for myself a teeny bit more. Am I alone on this one? Probably not.

Anyway, I was thinking about getting my close gal pals each a basket of little goodies. Makeup items are one of the goodies I put on the list. So as I’m combing the web for ideas, I started eyeballing doo dads that I want for Christmas! I’ve got to get over myself 🙂

Here are a few makeup items I’m lusting over:

1. Tarte Natural Lip Stain Pencil in Lust 2. M.A.C eye shadow in Sumptuous Olive  3. Clinique Black Honey Lip Duo 4. Josie Maran Argan Eye Shadow in Cinnamon 5. Butter London Lacquer in Jack the Lad 6. Bobbi Brown BB Cream 7. Urban Decay eye shadow in Half Baked 8. Urban Decay Urban Lash in Plush type

Thanksgiving Weekend Looks

This year was a tad bit harder for me to leave home after Thanksgiving. Maybe it was nostalgia, maybe it was feeling like a kid in my parents’ homes or maybe it was the plethora of leaves changing color that made me want to stay one more night.
While I was staying at my dad’s house throughout the holiday weekend, I was amazed by how much a backyard can transform from a plot of dirt to a lush secret garden after twelve years of shoveling, running back and forth to Home Depot, planting seeds and bushes and nurturing most days of the year. Let’s say I had a wee bit too much fun snapping shots of leaves, chimes and flowers.
Take a peek at mother nature via Elk Grove, CA suburbia and my fuzzy, faux fur looks over the weekend: 

Monday Motivation: Gratitude

Thanksgiving just passed. We all ate a week’s worth of food in one day and are currently at the point of hating ourselves for doing so. We also reflected on what we are thankful for in our lives. It’s tradition in my family to go around the table and express our gratitude before eating our Thanksgiving meal(s). My question is, why just reflect one day out of the year? Why not every day? Instead of complaining about the lack in our lives or complain about how things went wrong, why not cherish what’s present and within our reach and celebrate things going right! Challenge yourself to sit and think of ten things that you’re grateful for…right now! In fact, write it down. And do it again tomorrow, the next day and the day after that. Thank yourself into a happier you.

Happy Monday!

Friday Feature: Sonya Teclai of OZ

Very rarely you actually meet someone who does what they actually set out to do. Many often start, but fail to actually finish because of the guaranteed ‘bumps’ in the road and listen to meaningless comments from naysayers. Not Sonya Teclai. She is what I call an inspiration. With a nursing degree in her back pocket, she up and left her West Coast roots, jetted across the country and is successfully establishing her music career in New York City. An all-natural, East African beauty stays true to her roots and embraces her lush, flowing, voluminous curls. Along with her personal, unique style blending in 90s retro with all things current, she’s one you can’t miss.

Get more on Sonya, her style, and music below with an exclusive interview and photos:

Xiomara: When did you discover your passion for singing and writing?

Sonya: When I was about 3 years old, I got on stage with my favorite Eritrean singer at a show and sang one of his songs to his audience.  All I would do was sing as a kid.  I guess I fell in love with it before I knew what love was.  I had been in choir from the third grade until I was 18.  My writing started when I was in middle school.  I’d write poetry when I was bored in class, which was all the time.  It developed over time when I was a part of a girl group based out of Oakland called Delyte in high school where we all wrote our songs collectively.  I picked up on format and learned to write verses, catchy hooks, and bridges.  Adding the feeling behind poetry and experiences is what really developed my passion for it.  The ability to use wordplay to convey an emotion as close as I possibly could mixed with the feeling behind a voice became everything to me.
Xiomara: How would you describe your singing style?
Sonya: My singing style is a mix between r&b and neo soul.  I pick up soul in my voice from time to time and I hear that it’s sultry a lot.  It really depends on the feel of the track and the emotion I’m conveying.   
Xiomara: Favorite music artist? Style icon?
Sonya: Favorite musician?  That’s a hard.  I can’t just pick one, I don’t want to leave anyone out.  I will say that I really idolize Lauryn Hill and how she went about her “Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” and “Unplugged” albums.  She rapped and sang and kept that balance throughout the albums while being honest in her music.  That’s pretty much my goal in my career.  As far as style goes, I’ve always appreciated Aaliyah’s style.  It also resembled TLC’s style.  Loose pants, a fitted top, and some kicks.  Comfortable, yet fly.  
Xiomara: Top 3 beauty rules? Hair rules?
Sonya: I’m a fan of eyeliner, might be the Egyptian in me.  A shampoo and conditioner without sulfate is a must.  The alcohol dries my hair out.  I love leave-in conditioner for my curls, or any curl moisturizer (Aveda’s line works really well).  I’m not too big on putting too much product in my hair.  I like to air dry it, but in the winter it’s too cold for that so I just use a hair dryer.    
Xiomara: Does music influence your style? If so, how?
Sonya: Always has, always will.  Music invokes feeling, and in turn style.  I was a tomboy as a kid and wanted to be the first lady of wu-tang so bad so, I was on my sweatpants and oversized tees for the longest.  It didn’t help that TLC, Total, Aaliyah, etc. were a bit on the tomboy side with their style and I loved their music too.  I’m pressed over the 90’s and it’s style to this day.  Everything retro from Jordans to Timbs and crop tops with door knockers.  I love it all.  It represents an era of music that makes me feel good.  It might be because everything from ’91-’05 is still in heavy rotation on a daily basis. 
Xiomara: When was the inception of Oz and what’s the meaning behind the name?
Sonya: OZ was formed two years ago.  Alexander and I got close and had both been music lovers all of our lives.  Being hip hop heads, we got in the booth and would just spit for fun.  One day, we put a song together called “Princess” (on our first mixtape called “IVL Presents: OZ”) and were just impressed with the chemistry and how well we sounded together.  We decided to put together a compilation and then we decided on the name of the duo.  Alex actually thought of OZ first.  It reflects the movie “The Wizard of OZ” and how OZ was where they were all going to fill a void.  We felt as though there was a void in hip hop/r&b.  I was tired of listening to what’s out now and hearing wack shit.  It just didn’t feel the same anymore, and we wanted to bring the feeling back.  I think we’ve been pretty successful with the content of the music so far.
Xiomara: Biggest accomplishments in your career so far?
Sonya: Man, it’s between being able to perform/have a song with Phife Dawg from “A Tribe Called Quest” and interviewing Nas.  I’ve been a fan of both of them since I was a kid.  Shit, “Illmatic” is my favorite hip hop album so I was like a kid in a candy store.  Other than that, it’s being able to make music that means something and having the opportunity to share it.  I don’t really listen to our music very often because we’re so meticulous about it in the process of making it so by the time we release it I’ve heard the songs a billion times, but when it does randomly pop up it feels so good.
Xiomara: Describe a day in your life as a musician?
Sonya: What no one knows is that Alex and I do everything ourselves from the pictures to the writing to the marketing to the publicity work.  An average full day of music would consist of checking the numbers of listens, responding to emails, listening to new tracks, writing to those tracks, and if there’s time available to go to the studio and lay the work down we do.  
Xiomara: Biggest hurdles you’ve had to face in your career?
Sonya: As a woman, it’s hard to decipher what a man in a higher position in the industry’s intentions are.  And even if their intentions are to pursue me personally, would they be able to control their emotions so that it doesn’t interfere with business.  I’m a stickler about respect and even though this industry is different from a professional setting, I still feel like there’s an aspect of professionalism when it comes to pursuit that needs to be upheld.  I’m really chill and down to earth so I can see where the comfort level is adapted but there’s still a line that’s drawn.  I’m also in a relationship so dealing with that is twice as hard.
Xiomara: Where do you see yourself 10 years in the game?
Sonya: Hopefully, I’ll have a couple of grammys and will still be making music.  I also want to start a production/songwriting company, kind of like what Ne-yo has going on with “Compound”.  
Keep an ear out for OZ and get a taste for more via the links below:
OZ official site:

Sweater + Denim + Boots

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Is it, really? SMH. Well, as I’m currently taking a break from baking 3 sweet potato pies, 40 cookies, and 2 trays of mac-and-cheese (shoot me now), all I keep thinking about is what I’m going to pack for my long weekend in my hometown, Sacramento, CA. 
And these are the only types of pieces I feel like wearing this weekend. Nothing too frilly or high-maintenance– just cute and casual. Sweaters, denim, and boots:
Left: Sweater: MANGO Denim: Maison Martin Margiela Necklace: Pim + Larkin Booties: Rachel Zoe Watch: Nixon
Right: Sweater: J Crew Denim: Siviglia Boots: Frye Watch: Michael Kors Earrings: Maison de Morgana

Statement Makin’ Necklaces

Make a statement without having to say a word. The accessory that makes a profound entrance in any look is a statement necklace. Whether it’s jeweled, beaded, chained or choker, it sets the tone of your complete outfit. What is even more magnificent is being able to pair necklaces to both casual and upscale styles. Take a favorite pair of denim and cotton tee and add a turquoise stone, beaded piece. Grab your go-to LBD (little black dress) and layer on a brightly-colored jeweled bib. In both looks, the necklaces take you from wallflower to center spotlight.

Check out some fab picks below:

Kenneth Jay Lane

Erickson Beamon

Giuseppe Zanotti

Kate Spade



                    Andrew Gn

Images via Polyvore, Net-a-Porter, Bloomingdales

Motivation Monday featuring Charles Lightfoot

Optimist / Pessimist

I believe that one ‘attracts’ the people you bring into your life. Whatever the outcome, good or bad, we always learn from the people we meet. I’m happy to have met individuals who are full of life, live with passion, optimistic, have a hunger for more and are true to themselves. I met Oakland Firefighter and Entrepreneur, Mr. Charles Lightfoot, last year in a previous business venture, and have learned so much from him as business partner and as a personal motivational mentor. It’s an honor to call him a friend and to feature him on this week’s Motivation Monday post.

So click the ‘Play’ button and get your mind right:

Sunday Ritual: Face Mask

Our skin takes a lot of crap. From transferring dirt and oils from our finger tips with the slightest touch to the smog in the air billowing out of car mufflers, our pores absorb a lot more gunk than we think. By cleansing our skin twice a day, we wash away most dirt and grime, but every now and then a deep, detoxifying mask will vamp up our skin’s health and natural glow. I like to apply face masks once a week as my ‘Sunday Ritual’ and spruce up my home at the same time. Multitasking baby! The list benefits of face masks is ridiculously long: deep cleansing, increases hydration, pore refining, even skin tone, skin firming, acne fighting and more. In the market for a new face mask? Get a list of the best face masks recommended by top beauty experts via Allure, Temptalia, and Daily Glow. Wanna tap into some DIY? Click here for mask recipes from your kitchen cabinets! Make some time for yourself, you deserve it.

Friday Feature: Makeup Artist Sherena Mercer

Taking a stroll down memory lane is a trip. As I’ve grown older, even though I still feel like I’m 18, it’s amazing to see where the people in your circle of friends have gone and accomplished. From the moment I met Sherena Mercer in 2005 on San Francisco State’s campus, I’ve always taken note of one thing…her makeup. It was always on point, not a smudge in sight and never overdone. Obviously, one could tell that she’s got talent and passion, which has beautifully transpired into her career in cosmetics.
Scroll on for two gorgeous looks by up-and-coming makeup artist, Sherena Mercer, and exclusive Feature Friday interview by yours truly:

Primer- Urban Decay Primer Potion
Lid- MAC Pigment “Tan”
Crease- MAC Shadow “Saddle”
Brow highlight- MAC Shadow “Modest Tone”
Eyeliner- MAC fluidline “Blacktrack”
False lashes- Red Cherry lashes #1

Primer- Bare Escentuals Face primer “original”
Foundation: NYX HD Powder Foundation “Warm Beige”
Concelar- MAC Prolong wear concelar “NC35”
Blush- MAC Blush “Peachykeen”
Face Highlight- MAC Mineralize skin finish “Soft and gentle”

Primer- Bare Escentuals “Lip Rever-Upper”
lipliner- MAC lip pencil “Magenta”
Lipstick- MAC amplified “Girl About Town”

Eyes :

eye primer- Urban Decay Primer potion
Lid – MAC pigment “Violet”
Crease- MAC Shadow “Malt”
Brow Highlight- MAC Shadow “Vanilla”
Mascara- MAC “False Lash”

Primer- Laura Mercier oil free face primer
Foundation- MAC Matchmaster in 5.0
Blush- MAC “Mocha”

lipstick- MAC “Up The Amp”
Gloss- MAC Dazzleglass “Baby Sparks”

Sherena Mercer

Now for the questions:

Xiomara: When did you discover your love/obsession for cosmetics?

Sherena: I have loved makeup since I can remember, but as a little girl I used to love getting up in the morning and watching my mom put on her makeup. It would almost put me in a trance. And I would always make sure she gave me a kiss on the lips before leaving so I could wear a little of her lipstick to school. 

Xiomara: If you could only put on one cosmetic on, which would it be? (foundation, mascara, eyeliner…)

Sherena: Tough question Xio! haha. It would have to be mascara. I can’t live without my mascara.

Xiomara: Where have you worked in cosmetics and how has it built your career?

Sherena: I started my career with Bare Escentuals and worked with the company for almost 6 years. I have also worked with a custom blending makeup compamy called ColorLab Cosmetics. And now, I am currently a MAC makeup artist and loving every bit of it. Working for these companoes has taught me so many tips and tricks and how to become a better artist. Also, meeting so many people which has lead me to do weddings and other events.

Xiomara: What are your favorite brands?

Sherena: Some of my favorite brands would be MAC, Urban Decay, NARS, Makeup Forever… my list can go on and on… 

Xiomara: Do you wear makeup every day?

Sherena: I wouldn’t say I wear it everyday. But if I run out the door for a bit, I like to look somewhat put together, which means I have a little bit on. 

Xiomara: How much money do you spend (a rough estimate) on makeup each month? 

Sherena: Yikes! I can spend $100-250 on makeup, which isn’t that bad compared to some other artists out there!

Xiomara: Favorite go-to shades?

Sherena: Favorite go to shades for eyes definitely MAC ‘Woodwinked’ eyeshadow and MAC ‘Saddle’ eyeshadow. For lips ‘Delight’ Cremesheen glass by MAC and for blush ‘Mocha’ By MAC.

Xiomara: Freelance much? If so, which type of projects do you take on?

Sherena: I freelance weddings, parties, special effects makeup, and special occasions.

Xiomara: Any makeup tips you’d like to share for the non-pros?

Sherena: Tip… If you are going with a red lip, make sure you have a lipliner to go with it! Nothing worse than a smudgey red lip! And always finish a look with mascara! Mascara always brings a look together. The finishing touches!

Xiomara: Top makeup rule you will never break? Top beauty rule?

Sherena: Makeup: Prime those eyes girls! It makes a huge diffrence in the wear of your makeup throughout the day. Dont be afraid to try something new! Break your makeup habits! Beauty: Moisturize Your skin! Nice hydrated skin makes for a beautiful makeup application

Xiomara: 10 years from now, where do you see yourself in your career?

Sherena: 10 years from now, I hope to have made a name for myself. To be working on sets or maybe even teaching or training. Dreaming big!


I hope you were taking notes from the pro! 🙂 Connect with Sherena on Facebook or send her an email for inquiries and/or book for makeup application services. 

For more looks by Sherena, also check out an amazing look she did on myself here.

Have a great weekend!